2012 • 2013 • 2014
2015 • 2016 • 2017
2018 • 2019 • 2020
2021 • 2022 • 2023
Pro Bono Attorney of the Year: Emily Ellis
Law Firm of the Year: Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck
Lied Award for Most Cases by an Attorney: Marshal Willick
Lied Award for Most Cases by a Law Firm: Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck
William S. Boyd Award of Excellence: Paul Padda
Justice Nancy Becker Pro Bono Award of Judicial Excellence: Magistrate Judge Brenda Weksler
Vince Consul Memorial Pro Bono Award: John Fortin
Louis Wiener Pro Bono Service Award: Emily McFarling
Myrna Williams Children’s Pro Bono Award: Lynn Fulstone
Public Interest Law Student of Distinction: Boyd Immigrant Rights Coalition
Access to Justice Award: James T. Leavitt
Legal Legend Program Award: Gary Sutton
Ask-A-Lawyer Community Commitment Award: Monique Jammer
50 Hours Club 100 Hours Club 200 Hours Club
300 Hours Club 400 Hours Club 500 Hours Club
Pro Bono Attorney of the Year
Selecting the recipient for our Pro Bono Attorney of the Year Award is a challenging task, and we sincerely appreciate the contributions each pro bono attorney makes to the community. This year’s recipient invites us regularly to their firm to meet new firm members. Leading by example, taking difficult matters and mentoring others to do the same. Congratulations to our 2024 honoree, Emily Ellis!
Pro Bono Firm of the Year
Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck
The 2024 recipient of the Law Firm of the Year Award goes to a firm with a commitment to pro bono and access to justice. They took on some of our most complicated consumer matters. They are active in several other programs, including, the Federal Pro Bono Program, Family Law Justice Project, and Children’s Attorneys Project. They host CLEs and started the Associates Challenge in 2018. This challenge has raised over $120,000. Together they improve access to justice. We are honored to present the 2024 Pro Bono Law Firm of the Year Award to Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck.
Lied Award for Most Pro Bono Cases by an Attorney
Often in a divorce, a Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) is needed to equitably split a retirement account. This year’s recipient accepts every QDRO file we sent his way. If you take a pro bono case that needs a QDRO, his firm will do the QDRO pro bono. In addition, he takes on some of our more complex family law matters. For his work, we are pleased to present the 2024 Lied Award for Most Pro Bono Cases by an Attorney to Marshal Willick.
Lied Award for Most Pro Bono Cases by a Law Firm
Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck
This firm encourages all of their members to take on at least one pro bono matter. This firm understands the importance of getting others involved. Together, they represent children in dependency court, assist with custody matters, landlord-tenant matters, guardianship, and consumer litigation. In light of their tremendous contribution, we are pleased to present the 2024 Lied Award for Most Cases by a Law Firm to Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck.
William S. Boyd Award of Excellence
Five years ago, Paul Padda attended a Clark County Bar Association meeting where Legal Aid Center Executive Director Barbara Buckley spoke about gaps in our justice system. He was moved to hear about the need in the community and asked to meet with Barbara afterwards. He said that he was inspired to do something to help, and together, they brainstormed ways to help our clients and our organization. After some planning, he decided to create and sponsor a full time fellowship program where we offer a one-year fellowship to a law graduate or first year attorney. The fellow gets the opportunity to rotate through our units and help hundreds of clients who wouldn’t otherwise have an attorney. We are so grateful for his innovative giving, and proud to honor Paul Padda with the William S. Boyd Award of Excellence.
Justice Nancy Becker Pro Bono Award of Judicial Excellence
Magistrate Judge Brenda Weksler
This year’s winner of the Nancy Becker award believes in access to justice. She encourages attorneys to get involved and take pro bono cases in federal court. She is grateful for every attorney who takes a case in the Federal Court Pro Bono program and the firms who do so regularly, such as Snell & Wilmer, Lagomarsino Law, and Clark Hill. She created a CLE series demystifying federal pro bono practice and increasing participation from firms across the state to take pro bono cases. She serves on the Federal Court Pro Bono Committee and meets with our Pro Bono Director often, strategizing ways to increase participation in the Federal Court Pro Bono program. She puts service above self and is always striving to improve the community. For her dedication and commitment to access to justice, we present the Justice Nancy Becker Pro Bono Award of Judicial Excellence to the Honorable Magistrate Judge Brenda Weksler.
Vince Consul Memorial Pro Bono Award
The recipient of this year’s Vince Consul Memorial Pro Bono Award worked on a pro bono case for three years after his client’s home was seized by the government because of the actions of her brother. After a long fight, the court agreed that the client was innocent and that her family home belonged to her. Sadly, after winning her court case, she discovered the home was now uninhabitable due to the government’s failure to maintain it. This pro bono attorney kept fighting until the case settled and the client received the necessary funding to rebuild her family home. The attorney never wavered, dedicating almost 700 hours to give his client the right to her home. Congratulations to the John Fortin, our recipient of the 2024 Vince Consul Memorial Pro Bono Award!
Louis Wiener Pro Bono Service Award
This award winner took her first pro bono case ten years ago and has only increased her participation since then. In addition to her own pro bono clients, this year’s recipient encouraged others to take pro bono cases. In fact, every member of this recipient’s firm took a pro bono case in 2024. She recently helped a client who tried to move out of state to get away from her abuser for her safety and wellbeing. On two occasions, her children witnessed the domestic violence perpetrated against her. She wanted a new beginning where her children would not witness any more acts of domestic violence. The opposing party admitted to the DV, but the client was not permitted to relocate. The client appealed, and this attorney advocated for the client’s right to move as it was in the best interests of her children. The client won on appeal thanks to this attorney’s advocacy. For her empathy, dedication, and poise on behalf of domestic violence survivors, the 2024 Louis Wiener Pro Bono Service Award goes to Emily McFarling.
Myrna Williams Children’s Pro Bono Award
Lynn Fulstone
For her unwavering commitment to ensuring her client’s voices are heard by all, this year’s Myrna Williams Children’s Pro Bono Award goes to Lynn Fulstone. Lynn provides a much needed voice to her clients and leaves no stone unturned to ensure her clients’ wishes are heard.
Public Interest Law Student of Distinction
Boyd Immigrant Rights Coalition
The Immigrant Rights Coalition has been hosting a Spanish Family Law Forms Clinic since 2022, which pairs volunteer students with Spanish-speaking families who need help filling out their family court forms. Without this assistance, many families would not be able to have their legal issues addressed. The clinic has grown over the years and served 73 people this past year. Austin Lipson and Cadence Ciesielski started volunteering with this effort as 1Ls and now lead it! In recognition of their extraordinary service to our community, we present the Public Interest Law Student of Distinction Award to the entire Boyd Immigrant Rights Coalition.
Access to Justice Award
The inaugural Access to Justice Award goes to an attorney who has shown consistent commitment to pro bono and goes above and beyond to promote our mission of providing access to justice. He took his first pro bono case over 12 years ago, and since then, consistently takes multiple cases every year. Over the last decade, he has taken over 60 pro bono cases. Most recently, when he learned more about the urgent need to represent abused and neglected children, he stepped up and took his first CAP case, and then another. On top of taking pro bono cases, he volunteers monthly for our Ask-A-Lawyer program, even stepping in at the last minute when there is an urgent need. He has planned events to promote pro bono and has even recruited other attorneys to take a pro bono case. For his unwavering commitment, we are so honored to present the Access to Justice Award to James T. Leavitt.
Legal Legend Program Award
Gary Sutton
Our very first winner of this award is a retired attorney who participates in our Children’s Attorneys Project, our minor guardianship program, name change cases, and even helped a family fleeing the Taliban obtain legal status. Without his work, these clients would not have a voice. For his dedication to access to justice, our inaugural Legal Legend Program Award goes to Gary Sutton.
Ask-A-Lawyer Community Commitment Award
This year’s winner committed her time nearly every week in our Landlord/Tenant, Small Claims, and Family Law Ask-A-Lawyer programs. This winner also carries a few CAP cases, and whenever we need a last-minute person to cover, she is there to help. Because of her tireless commitment to pro bono, the recipient of our Ask-A-Lawyer Community Commitment Award is Monique Jammer.
50 Hours Club
W. West Allen
Brian G. Anderson
Elliot Anderson
Chad R. Aronson
Robert Arroyo
Bradley Austin
Robert E. Blau
Gillian L. Block
Marcus J. Brouwers
Kelle Carlson
Jonathan Chung
Andrew S. Clark
Lesley E. Cohen
Lorien K. Cole
Lance T. Collins
Richard L. Crane
Joseph E. Dagher
Michelle Darquea
Dawn L. Davis
Sabrina M. Dolson
Emily Driscoll
Michael D. Falater
Jason A. Fisher
Stewart C. Fitts
Margaret G. Foley
Lynn S. Fulstone
Dirk W. Gaspar
Thomas L. Gilchrist
Marjorie A. Guymon
Ryan A. Hamilton
Larry D. Hankins
Karen L. Hanks
Brooke A. Holmes
Adam D. Hosmer-Henner
Jennifer K. Hostetler
Patrick Hunt
Brenna Irving
Collin Jayne
J. Christopher Jorgensen
Michael C. Kane
Michael Kind
Andrew L. Kynaston
Jason F. Lather
James T. Leavitt
Thomas Leeds
Kirk B. Lenhard
Bryce C. Loveland
Diane C. Lowe
Daniel Mann
Racheal H. Mastel
Alexandra J. Matloff
John McCormick-Huhn
Jennifer R. McDonald
Margaret A. McLetchie
Caitlan Joyce McMasters
M. Magali Mercera
Christian P. Ogata
Jason Onello
Cary Colt Payne
Sarah I. Perez
Troy E. Peyton
Zachary E. Redman
Michael “Rock” Rocheleau
Ebony L. Ruemmele
Jason M. Sadow
Sophia M. Salas
Bradley S. Schrager
Giacomo “Jack” Silvestri
Kim Sinatra
Bonnie Smith
Doreen Spears Hartwell
Alisa Steinhauer
Daniel H. Stewart
Kimberly Ann Stutzman
Sheri M. Thome
Mary Tran
Piers Tueller
James D. Urrutia
Carlia S. Waite
Michael R. Wendlberger
Shannon R. Wilson
Timothy A. Wiseman
Leo S. Wolpert
Andy A. Wong
Jenica Yurcic
100 Hours Club
Alyssa Aklestad
Tayler D. Bingham
Daniel Ross Brady
Ogonna M. Brown
Emily A. Buchwald
Joseph Dalia
Eric M. Dante
Janice M. DeWitt
Kelly H. Dove
Trent L. Earl
Emily A. Ellis
Richard Erlich
Lin Gan
Robert W. Hernquist
Michael T. Hua
Chelsee C. Jensen
Michael S. Kelley
Maliq I. Kendricks
John L. Krieger
Gia N. Marina
Matthew S. McLaughlin
Robert E. McPeak
Carlos A. Morales
Francisco J. Morales Sanchez
Caylye Nordling
John J. Pictum
Erika Pike Turner
Paul C. Ray
Marisa Rodriguez
Sophia A. Romero
Yadira Santana
Steven G. Shevorski
James P. C. Silvestri
Marissa R. Temple
Andrèa Vieira
Brenoch R. Wirthlin
200 Hours Club
Paola M. Armeni
Athena Christine Eliades
Monique Jammer
William D. Nobriga
Brittni Tanenbaum
Gary W. Sutton
300 Hours Club
Marina Frances Dalia-Hunt
Jamie P. Leavitt
Marian L. Massey
Caitlin Morgan Pyatt
Dan R. Waite
400 Hours Club
Emily L. Dyer
Ellie Roohani
Meng Zhong
500 Hours Club
William (Bill) P. Curran
Raelene K. Palmer
Dawn Hathaway Thoman
Pro Bono Attorney of the Year: Meng Zhong
Law Firm of the Year: Lewis Roca
Lied Award for Most Hours by a Law Firm: Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck
Lied Award for Most Cases by a Law Firm: Lewis Roca
Lied Award for Most Hours by an Attorney: Raelene K. Palmer
Lied Award for Most Cases by an Attorney: Bonnie V. Smith
William S. Boyd Award of Excellence: J. Randall Jones, Bob Dickerson, and Maximiliano D. Couvillier, III
Justice Nancy Becker Pro Bono Award of Judicial Excellence: Magistrate Judge Cam Ferenbach
Vince Consul Memorial Pro Bono Award: Andréa L. Vieira
Louis Wiener Pro Bono Service Award: Africa A. Sanchez
Myrna Williams Children’s Pro Bono Award: Sabrina M. Dolson
Volunteer Education Advocate Award: Dorie Williams
Public Interest Law Student of Distinction: Eva Guevara-Gutierrez
Ask-A-Lawyer Community Commitment Award: Jenica D. Yurcic Westerman
50 Hours Club 100 Hours Club 200 Hours Club
300 Hours Club 500 Hours Club
Pro Bono Attorney of the Year
Since we first began presenting the Pro Bono Awards, our most prestigious individual award has been our Pro Bono Attorney of the Year. This award recognizes an attorney whose life and practice over the past year serve as a singular inspiration to others to embrace or renew their dedication to pro bono legal service on behalf of our most vulnerable. This year’s recipient has made a positive impact in the lives of numerous pro bono clients. He helps whenever asked, encourages others in his firm to take pro bono cases, mentors attorneys, and teaches CLEs for Legal Aid Center. This year’s pro bono attorney of the year answers the call and provides a voice to protected persons throughout Southern Nevada. Congratulations to our 2023 Pro Bono Attorney of the Year, Meng Zhong.
Pro Bono Firm of the Year
This year’s recipient of the Law Firm of the Year Award goes to a firm with a true commitment to pro bono and access to justice. This firm handled the highest number of pro bono cases this past year and is active in several of our programs, including the Nevada Supreme Court Appellate Program, the Federal Pro Bono program, Family Law, our Children’s Attorneys Project, and our Ask-A-Lawyer program. Congratulations to the 2023 Pro Bono Law Firm of the Year, Lewis Roca, LLP..
Lied Award for Most Pro Bono Hours by a Law Firm
Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck
The Lied Award for Most Pro Bono Hours by a Law Firm goes to a law firm that has successfully institutionalized a culture of giving back, embodying the highest ideals of the attorney’s professional responsibility of pro bono service. This firm consistently makes pro bono an integral part of its culture and identity. Over the past year, this firm donated the most hours of pro bono legal work, claiming the number one spot. Congratulations to the 2023 Lied Award for Most Pro Bono Hours by a Law Firm, Brownstein Hyatt, LLP.
Lied Award for Most Pro Bono Cases by a Law Firm
Our winner accepted the highest number of new pro bono cases this past year in a variety of areas of law, including appeals, CAP, consumer, and landlord-tenant. This firm also volunteered for numerous ask-a-lawyer events. This firm wins again and again due to its generosity. Congratulations to the 2023 Lied Award for Most Pro Bono Cases by a Law Firm, Lewis Roca, LLP.
Lied Award for Most Pro Bono Hours by an Attorney
Raelene K. Palmer
The 2023 Lied Award for Most Pro Bono Hours by an Attorney goes to an attorney who tirelessly worked for her pro bono clients. In the past year alone, she contributed over 800 hours of her time serving some of the most vulnerable members of our community. Congratulations to the 2023 Lied Award for Most Pro Bono Hours by an Attorney, Raelene K. Palmer.
Lied Award for Most Pro Bono Cases by an Attorney
Bonnie V. Smith
The 2023 recipient has been a consistent, tremendous supporter of pro bono. Our winner understands the importance of pro bono. She previously worked for Legal Aid Center and when she left, she insisted on keeping some cases for pro bono. Today, she continues to accept pro bono cases and mentor attorneys in immigration matters. Congratulations to the 2023 Lied Award for Most Pro Bono Cases by an Attorney, Bonnie V. Smith.
William S. Boyd Award of Excellence
J. Randall Jones
Bob Dickerson
Maximiliano D. Couvillier, III
The 2023 recipients are champions and vital partners to Legal Aid Center. They have devoted a collective 62 years of time serving on the Board of Directors.
Our first honoree, J. Randall Jones, served on the Board of Directors of Legal Aid Center for 36 years, the longest serving Board member in the history of Nevada. He oversaw the split between Nevada Legal Services and Legal Aid Center to ensure that our organization had the freedom and ability to serve individuals prohibited from being served by the federal government. He and his firm donated thousands of pro bono hours on class action cases, including one which went to the U.S. Supreme Court. He has donated significantly to our organization to help it grow, including being the largest match donor to our Endowment Campaign.
Our second honoree is Bob Dickerson. Bob served on the Board for more than 23 years. Bob joined the Board when the original free standing Pro Bono Project merged into Legal Aid Center. He has represented more than 100 pro bono clients, many of whom are abused and neglected foster care children.
Our third honoree is Maximiliano D. Couvillier, III. Max has been an integral part of our Board, serving as Legal Counsel and President for over 13 years. He has been part of making every important decision for Legal Aid Center, including the decision to expand to meet the changing needs of the community.
Justice Nancy Becker Pro Bono Award of Judicial Excellence
Magistrate Judge Cam Ferenbach
This year’s winner of the Nancy Becker award is a pillar in our community. Prior to ascending to the bench, this jurist was the President of the Board of Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada. He accepted numerous pro bono cases and encouraged others to do so as well. When he was appointed as a federal Magistrate Judge, he was a perfect fit to spearhead development of the Federal Court Pro Bono Program. Congratulations to our 2023 Nancy Becker Pro Bono Award of Judicial Excellence recipient, Magistrate Judge Cam Ferenbach.
Vince Consul Memorial Pro Bono Award
The recipient of this year’s award volunteered over 500 hours of time representing her clients. Last year, she accepted more pro bono cases than anyone else in our community; and this year, she continued her commitment to provide the vulnerable and disenfranchised with legal services. Congratulations to our 2023 Vince Consul Memorial Pro Bono Award recipient, Andréa L. Vieira.
Louis Wiener Pro Bono Service Award
Africa A. Sanchez
Representing clients in domestic violence situations takes an attorney who not only strives for justice, but is compassionate and understanding. This year’s recipient has embodied these characteristics as a dedicated pro bono attorney, with a particular focus on representing domestic violence survivors. In addition to her pro bono clients, she participates in our Partners in Pro Bono program mentoring students and teaching them the importance of pro bono. Congratulations to our 2023 Louis Wiener Pro Bono Service Award, Africa A. Sanchez.
Myrna Williams Children’s Pro Bono Award
This year’s winner is a pro bono hero, who provides a voice for change to kids in our community. Since taking her first CAP case with Legal Aid Center, she has provided a voice to twenty-seven children. These children not only had a lawyer by their side, but a lawyer who listened to them and let them know they would never be alone in court again. This year alone, she took an additional seven CAP cases. Congratulations to the 2023 Myrna Williams Children’s Pro Bono Award, Sabrina M. Dolson.
Volunteer Education Advocate Award
Dorie Williams
This year’s recipient has taken on several challenging cases in the short time since she started volunteering in July 2022. She’s been a champion for more than eight children with extremely high needs. Every time one case closes she is eager to take on the next challenge. Congratulations to our 2023 Volunteer Education Advocate, Dorie Williams.
Public Interest Law Student of Distinction
Eva Guevara-Gutierrez
Our 2023 recipient is a third-year student who believes everyone in the community needs a voice. She is a past Melanie Kushnir Fellow and a Boyd Public Interest Fellow, active in LaVOZ, the Latino Bar Association, the Immigrant Rights Coalition – a student organization at Boyd – and UNLV’s Immigration Clinic. Congratulations to our 2023 Public Interest Law Student of Distinction, Eva Guevara-Gutierrez.
Ask-A-Lawyer Community Commitment Award
Jenica D. Yuric Westerman
The recipient of the 2023 Ask-A-Lawyer Community Commitment Award has been a consistent Ask-A-Lawyer volunteer. In the last year, this attorney volunteered nearly every week for the landlord-tenant Ask-A-Lawyer session. She is a positive, patient, empathetic attorney who assists people facing impending evictions. She provides help to those in their darkest time, empowering them and giving them a brighter future. Congratulations to the 2023 Ask-A-Lawyer Community Commitment Award winner, Jenica D. Yuric Westerman.
50 Hours Club
W. West Allen
Bradley Austin
Carmen Avello
Kristine Bernhardt
Elizabeth Brickfield
Ogonna M. Brown
Russell J. Burke
Luke Busby
Gina Cervone
Andrew S. Clark
Richard L. Crane
Joseph Dalia
Stephen A. Davis
Aleem A. Dhalla
Kevin R. Diamond
Robert P. Dickerson
Dean Jason Ferris
Richard V. Foster
Lin Gan
Jordan M. Garcia
Dirk W. Gaspar
Ruthann Gonzalez
Kara B. Hendricks
Adam D. Hosmer-Henner
Jennifer K. Hostetler
Zaniah A. Jordan
J. Christopher Jorgensen
Michael S. Kelley
Brandon P. Kemble
Eric N. Kohli
James T. Leavitt
Bryce C. Loveland
Cuthbert E.A. Mack
Gia N. Marina
John McCormick-Huhn
Jennifer R. McDonald
Lesley B. Miller
Michael R. Mushkin
Joanna M. Myers
Darcy L. Plambeck
Caitlin Morgan Pyatt
Bethany L. Rabe
R. Christopher Reade
Carolina Rondon
Sophia M. Salas
Bethany R. Sanchez
Samuel A. Schwartz
Miriam Shumway
Kim Sinatra
Bonnie Smith
Jason P. Stoffel
Marissa R. Temple
Elody Tignor
Mark G. Tratos
Reagan A. Weber
Paul C. Williams
Brent A. Woody
Waleed Zaman
100 Hours Club
Alyssa Aklestad
Justin V. Alper
Elliot Anderson
Paola M. Armeni
Mary E. Bacon
Travis N. Barrick
Tayler D. Bingham
Daniel Ross Brady
Jonathan Chung
Shelby A. Dahl
Marina Dalia-Hunt
Eric M. Dante
Michelle Darquea
Sabrina M. Dolson
Emily Dyer
Richard Erlich
Thomas L. Gilchrist
Marjorie A. Guymon
Monique Jammer
Chelsee C. Jensen
Maliq I. Kendricks
Timothy D. Kuhls
Jenapher Lin
Marian L. Massey
Colleen E. McCarty
Carlos Morales
William D. Nobriga
Jason Onello
Sarah I. Perez
John J. Pictum
Marisa Rodriguez
Africa A. Sanchez
Bradley S. Schrager
James P. C. Silvestri
Tiffany Solari
Alisa Steinhauer
Gary W. Sutton
Brittni Tanenbaum
Carlia S. Waite
Dan R. Waite
Eric D. Walther
Jenica Yurcic Westerman
Shannon R. Wilson
Timothy A Wiseman
Leo S. Wolpert
200 Hours Club
William P. Curran
Angela H. Dows
Athena Christine Eliades
Emily A. Ellis
Lynn S. Fulstone
Marshal S. Willick
Meng Zhong
300 Hours Club
Jennifer V. Abrams
John A. Fortin
Ellie Roohani
500 Hours Club
Raelene K. Palmer
Dawn Hathaway Thoman
Andréa Vieira
Pro Bono Attorney of the Year: Marjorie Guymon
Law Firm of the Year: Ballard Spahr, LLP
Lied Award for Most Hours by a Law Firm: Ballard Spahr, LLP
Lied Award for Most Cases by a Law Firm: Lewis Roca Rothgerber Christie
Lied Award for Most Hours by an Attorney: Dawn Hathaway Thoman
Lied Award for Most Cases by an Attorney: Andréa L. Vieira & Keiara A. Stevenson
William S. Boyd Award of Excellence: R&R Partners
Justice Nancy Becker Pro Bono Award of Judicial Excellence: Justice James Hardesty
Vince Consul Memorial Pro Bono Award: Dan R. Waite
Louis Wiener Pro Bono Service Award: Shannon R. Wilson
Myrna Williams Children’s Pro Bono Award: Keiara Stevenson
Volunteer Education Advocate Award: Stephanie Stolz
Public Interest Law Student of Distinction: Priscila Venzor
Ask-A-Lawyer Community Commitment Award: Michelle Darquea
Pro Bono Attorney of the Year
Since we first began presenting the Pro Bono Awards, our most prestigious individual award has been our Pro Bono Attorney of the Year. This award recognizes an attorney whose life and practice over the past year serve as a singular inspiration to others to embrace or renew their dedication to pro bono legal service on behalf of our most vulnerable. This year’s recipient is a long-time Nevadan who has devoted her practice to community service and fostered a culture of pro bono in the firm she co-founded. An avid adventurer, she never shies away from a challenge. She accepts every case we send her way, sometimes taking multiple pro bono cases at a time. She maintains a diverse pro bono caseload from bankruptcy to minor guardianship. She takes on many of our urgent cases with upcoming hearings, sometimes set for that week. And she treats all of her clients as if they are her only client. Taking cases is not the only way she gives back. She is also an active participant in our Family Ask-A-Lawyer program, and she mentors law students in our Partners in Pro Bono Program. This year’s pro bono attorney of the year answers the call and provides a voice to protected persons throughout Southern Nevada. Congratulations to our 2022 Pro Bono Attorney of the Year, Marjorie Guymon.
Pro Bono Firm of the Year
This year’s recipient of the Law Firm of the Year Award goes to a firm with a true commitment to pro bono and access to justice. The firm’s Las Vegas team contributed over 470 pro bono hours. This firm is active in several of our programs, including the Nevada Supreme Court Appellate Program, the Federal Pro Bono program, Family Law, our Children’s Attorneys Project, and our Ask-A-Lawyer program. Congratulations to the 2022 Pro Bono Law Firm of the Year, Ballard Spahr, LLP.
Lied Award for Most Pro Bono Hours by a Law Firm
The Lied Award for Most Pro Bono Hours by a Law Firm goes to a law firm that has successfully institutionalized a culture of giving back, embodying the highest ideals of the attorney’s professional responsibility of pro bono service. This firm consistently makes pro bono an integral part of its culture and identity. Over the past year, this firm donated 1,242 hours of pro bono legal work, claiming the number one spot. At a time when COVID-19 made it hard to volunteer, this firm not only took cases but volunteered for our Landlord-Tenant Ask-A-Lawyer program, ensuring tenants could receive timely answers, keeping them in their homes. Congratulations to the 2022 Lied Award for Most Pro Bono Hours by a Law Firm, Ballard Spahr, LLP.
Lied Award for Most Pro Bono Cases by a Law Firm
Lewis Roca Rothgerber Christie
In 2022, our winner accepted 16 new pro bono cases this past year in a variety of areas of law, including appeals, CAP, consumer, and landlord-tenant. This firm also volunteered for numerous ask-a-lawyer events. This firm wins again and again due to its generosity. Congratulations to the 2022 Lied Award for Most Pro Bono Cases by a Law Firm, Lewis Roca Rothergerber Christie.
Lied Award for Most Pro Bono Hours by an Attorney
Dawn Hathaway Thoman
The 2022 Lied Award for Most Pro Bono Hours by an Attorney goes to an attorney who makes pro bono a core part of her practice. She has completely embraced the work of helping children in the CAP program, and as a result, has made a huge difference in the lives of her young clients. In the past year alone, she contributed an astonishing 509 hours of time serving children in the foster care system, to ensure their wishes are represented in the process of finding safe, loving, and permanent homes. Congratulations to the 2022 Lied Award for Most Pro Bono Hours by an Attorney, Dawn Hathaway Thoman.
Lied Award for Most Pro Bono Cases by an Attorney
Andréa L. Vieira & Keiara A. Stevenson
The 2022 recipient has been a consistent, tremendous supporter of pro bono. Our first recipient took ten CAP cases providing a voice to children most in need. When called upon, she always said yes and gladly took another case. Our second recipient recently opened her own firm, so that she could dedicate her time to providing justice for her clients. She accepted Afghan asylum cases and Federal 1983 prisoner rights cases. For their work, we are pleased to present the 2022 Lied Award for Most Pro Bono Cases by an Attorney to Keiara Stevenson and Andréa Vieira. Congratulations to the 2022 Lied Award for Most Pro Bono Cases by an Attorney, Andréa Vieira & Keiara A. Stevenson.
William S. Boyd Award of Excellence
This award signifies exceptional leadership and a commitment to pro bono services by a corporate or business entity. The 2022 recipient is a champion and vital partner to Legal Aid Center. Fourteen years ago, they helped us re-evaluate our branding and change our name so potential clients would know who we are and what we do immediately. They’ve mentored staff attorneys on communication methods and working with the media to reach more vulnerable people in need. Their staff is always available to help us develop strategies to ensure we are not only providing access to justice to our clients but also meeting the needs of our community. When we wanted to secure the long-term future of Legal Aid Center by creating an endowment, they were our first call. And as we focus on assisting the most vulnerable in our community, this year’s winner will help us focus, navigate, and plan sustainable projects that will help individuals and families build a better life. In short, they believe that every day is a chance to make the world a better place and we agree. Congratulations to the 2022 William S. Boyd Award of Excellence, R&R Partners.
Justice Nancy Becker Pro Bono Award of Judicial Excellence
Justice James Hardesty
This award was named after Nevada Supreme Court Justice Nancy Becker, who founded the Pro Bono Project in 1985. For years, she nurtured the project when few believed the concept would work. Her namesake award recognizes members of the judiciary who have given time, energy, and influence to encourage pro bono work and to promote access to justice. We are honored to present this award to an incredible jurist. In 1998 he was elected as a District Court Judge. In 2004, he was elected to the Nevada Supreme Court, where he’s served for the last 18 years. He worked tirelessly in increasing access to justice for all Nevadans. In 2014, he worked to amend the Nevada Constitution to create Nevada’s Court of Appeals. He chaired the Nevada Supreme Court’s Access to Justice Commission. On the commission, he created innovative ways to expand access to justice. He met with law firms throughout the state encouraging attorneys to take a pro bono case. He worked with banks to improve IOLTA funding for legal aid providers. This work ensured these organizations throughout Nevada could expand to meet the ever-changing needs of our state. He is a true leader in expanding access to justice. Congratulations to our 2022 Nancy Becker Pro Bono Award of Judicial Excellence recipient, Justice James Hardesty.
Vince Consul Memorial Pro Bono Award
This award is given in memory of Vince Consul, an attorney who was a champion for access to justice and pro bono, who passed away in 2010. We honor his memory by giving this award to an attorney who embodies what is best in our profession and who has gone above and beyond to assist a client with a civil matter. The recipient of this year’s award volunteered over 300 hours of pro bono time helping his clients. He helped protect a client from threatening behavior after a divorce. He assisted another client defrauded in a mobile home purchase. And he helped another client going against a car repair shop related to its deceptive trade practices. Despite his busy schedule, whenever we sent a complex litigation case to him, he always said yes. He stood by his clients when no one else would. He helps us year after year, modeling for all lawyers how one person can make a difference. Congratulations to our 2022 Vince Consul Memorial Pro Bono Award recipient, Dan R. Waite.
Louis Wiener Pro Bono Service Award
Shannon R. Wilson
Each year we present the Louis Wiener Pro Bono Service Award. Louis was a prominent local attorney who cared deeply about our community and one of the first lawyers in our community who dedicated himself to helping victims of domestic violence on a pro bono basis. He was an avid pro bono supporter throughout his entire life. For over 15 years, this year’s recipient has embodied these characteristics as a dedicated pro bono attorney, with a particular focus on representing domestic violence survivors. It’s not uncommon for her to report over 50 hours of work on some of her more involved cases. She also encourages others to do pro bono. She currently acts as her firm’s pro bono liaison and is on the Legal Aid Center’s Pro Bono Project Advisory Counsel. In addition to taking numerous family law pro bono matters, she assists vulnerable clients in guardianship cases and Children’s Attorneys Project cases. Even when cases become especially difficult, she stands by her clients and remains committed to the idea that domestic violence survivors deserve a voice. Congratulations to our 2022 Louis Wiener Pro Bono Service Award, Shannon R. Wilson.
Myrna Williams Children’s Pro Bono Award
Keiara Stevenson
Each year we present the Myrna Williams Children’s Pro Bono Award to a volunteer who has done an outstanding job in representing our many child clients. The award is given in honor of Myrna, who advocated for the rights of women and children in the legislature and at the county level for years. She helped Legal Aid Center establish the Children’s Attorneys Project. This year’s winner received both her undergraduate degree from UNLV and her LLM from William S. Boyd School of Law. She is active in the community and believes being consistent in a client’s life leads to great results. Despite her busy practice, she made her child clients a priority, building relationships with case workers and zealously advocating for her client’s wishes. Congratulations to the 2022 Myrna Williams Children’s Pro Bono Award, Keiara Stevenson.
Volunteer Education Advocate Award
Stephanie Stolz
The Volunteer Education Advocate Award goes to a non-attorney volunteer who goes above and beyond to fiercely advocate for educational rights and opportunities for at-risk foster youth. She is currently working as the Firm Administrator and an Advanced Certified Paralegal for The Abrams & Mayo Law Firm. Since March 2017, over five and a half years, she has made the time to advocate for seven students with high needs who are placed in foster care. Despite her busy schedule, she makes time to help children to ensure they stay in school and achieve success in and outside of the classroom. From offering pizza as a motivation to supporting foster homes and teachers with favorite snacks, toys, and stickers, she always goes above and beyond! Congratulations to our 2022 Volunteer Education Advocate, Stephanie Stolz.
Public Interest Law Student of Distinction
Priscila Venzor
The Public Interest Law Student of Distinction Award recognizes a law student who has made a substantial commitment to the community by doing public interest work and promoting access to justice. Our 2022 recipient is a third-year student who has a long history of serving others. She is a Boyd Public Interest Fellow, active in La Voz, the Latino Bar Association, UNLV’s Immigration Clinic, Partners in Pro Bono Program, and she developed the Spanish Family Law Forms Clinics. As the 2021 Melanie Kushnir Fellow, she spearheaded Legal Aid Center’s Volunteer Interpreter Program, a vital program to ensure access to justice for those whose primary language is not English. Congratulations to our 2022 Public Interest Law Student of Distinction, Priscila Venzor.
Ask-A-Lawyer Community Commitment Award
Michelle Darquea
The recipient of the 2022 Ask-A-Lawyer Community Commitment Award has been a consistent Ask-A-Lawyer volunteer for more than five years and volunteered for over 35 Family Law Ask-A-Lawyer sessions in 2022. What sets this attorney apart has been her dedication to each client, providing advice on divorce, custody, guardianship, and other legal topics. She helped people in their darkest times see a light at the end of the tunnel. Congratulations to the 2022 Ask-A-Lawyer Community Commitment Award winner, Michelle Darquea.
50 Hours Club
Taylor J. Altman
Elliot Anderson
Bradley Austin
Shea A. Backus
Travis N. Barrick
Elizabeth Brickfield
Candace C. Carlyon
Darlene M. Cartier
Joshua D. Cools
Melissa Corral
Stephen A. Davis
Janice M. DeWitt
Michael N. Feder
Richard V. Foster
Peter J. Goatz
Marjorie A. Guymon
Joshua M. Halen
Karen L. Hanks
Robert W. Hernquist
Chelsee C. Jensen
Mona Kaveh
Nicholas J. Klein
Andrew L. Kynaston
Michele T. LoBello
Tabetha Martinez
Jennifer R. McDonald
Royi Moas
Joanna M. Myers
Jonathan Nelson
William D Nobriga
Lisa A. Rasmussen
Patrick J. Reilly
Bridgette Reyna-Meadows
David M. Stern
Kimberly Ann Stutzman
Elody Tignor
Carlia S. Waite
Marshal S. Willick
Shannon R. Wilson
Timothy A Wiseman
Jackson Wong
Jenica D. Yurcic Westerman
100 Hours Club
Dawn Hathaway Thoman
400+ Hours
Raelene K. Palmer
300+ Hours
William P. Curran
Gary W. Sutton
Dan R. Waite
200+ Hours
Justin V. Alper
John A. Fortin
Lynn S. Fulstone
100+ Hours
Jennifer V. Abrams
Alyssa Aklestad
Andrew Clark
Lorien K Cole
Richard L. Crane
Michelle Darquea
Robert P. Dickerson
Athena Christine Eliades
Richard Erlich
Lin Gan
Dustun H. Holmes
Monique Jammer
Neal Krokosky
Alexandria Layton
Racheal H. Mastel
Andrew D. Moore
Cheryl B. Moss
Bethany L. Rabe
R. Christopher Reade
Samuel A. Schwartz
Paige Silva
Kim Sinatra
Alisa Steinhauer
Steven L. Yarmy
Pro Bono Attorney of the Year: Jason Onello
Law Firm of the Year: Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck
Lied Award for Most Hours by a Law Firm: Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck
Lied Award for Most Cases by a Law Firm: Lewis Roca
Lied Award for Most Hours by an Attorney: Robert “Bob” P. Dickerson
Lied Award for Most Cases by an Attorney: Ret. Judge Cheryl Moss
Vince Consul Memorial Pro Bono Award: Maggie McLetchie & Adam Hosmer-Henner
Louis Wiener Pro Bono Service Award: Alyssa Aklestad
Myrna Williams Children’s Pro Bono Award: Atif Sheikh
Volunteer Education Advocate Award: Jordan Schuck
Public Interest Law Student of Distinction: Greer Sullivan
Ask-A-Lawyer Community Commitment Award: Sagar Raich
Pro Bono Attorney of the Year
Since we first began presenting the Pro Bono Awards, our most prestigious individual award has been our Pro Bono Attorney of the Year. This award recognizes an attorney whose life and practice over the past year serves as a singular inspiration to others to embrace or renew a dedication to pro bono legal service on behalf of our most vulnerable. This recipient understands the importance of providing Access to Justice to those most in need. This winner began his legal journey as a law clerk here at Legal Aid Center. He is a litigator with a focus on family law, estate planning, and personal injury. Despite a full caseload, he is currently working on 8 active pro bono matters and routinely volunteers for our Family Law Ask-a-Lawyer program and our partners in pro bono program; providing mentorship to law students on an active case. Congratulations to our 2021 Pro Bono Attorney of the Year, Jason Onello.
Pro Bono Firm of the Year
Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck
This year’s recipient of the Law Firm of the Year Award goes to a firm with a true commitment to Pro Bono and access to justice. The firm’s Las Vegas team contributed over 1240 hours this year. This firm is active in several of our programs, including the Nevada Supreme Court Appellate Program, the Federal Pro Bono program, Immigration, Name Change, landlord-tenant, Consumer, Foreclosure, and our ask a lawyer program. Congratulations to the 2021 Pro Bono Law Firm of the Year, Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck.
Lied Award for Most Pro Bono Hours by a Law Firm
Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck
The Lied Award for Most Pro Bono Hours by a Law Firm goes to a law firm that has successfully institutionalized a culture of giving back, embodying the highest ideals of the attorney’s professional responsibility of pro bono service. This firm consistently makes pro bono an integral part of their culture and identity. Over the past year, this firm donated 1,242 hours of pro bono legal work, claiming the number one spot. At a time when COVID-19 made it hard to volunteer, this firm not only took cases but volunteered for our landlord-tenant Ask-a-Lawyer program, ensuring tenants could receive timely answers, keeping them in their homes. Congratulations to the 2021 Lied Award for Most Pro Bono Hours by a Law Firm, Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck.
Lied Award for Most Pro Bono Cases by a Law Firm
In 2021, our winner accepted 16 new pro bono cases this past year in a variety of areas of law, including Appeals, CAP, consumer, and landlord-tenant. This firm also volunteered for numerous ask-a-lawyer events. This firm wins again and again due to their generosity. Congratulations to the 2021 Lied Award for Most Pro Bono Cases by a Law Firm, Lewis Roca.
Lied Award for Most Pro Bono Hours by an Attorney
The 2021 Lied Award for Most Pro Bono Hours by an Attorney goes to an attorney who makes pro bono a core part of his practice. He has completely embraced the work of helping children in the CAP program, and as a result, has made a huge difference in the lives of his young clients. In fact, his dedication to pro bono work has spanned decades as he was named Pro Bono Attorney of the Year in 2001! In the past year alone, he contributed an astonishing 650 hours of time serving children in the foster care system, to ensure their wishes are represented in the process of finding safe, loving, and permanent homes. Congratulations to the 2021 Lied Award for Most Pro Bono Hours by an Attorney, Robert (“Bob”) P. Dickerson.
Lied Award for Most Pro Bono Cases by an Attorney
The 2021 recipient has been a consistent, tremendous supporter of pro bono. Our winner accepted 14 new pro bono cases this past year in a variety of areas of law, including divorce, name changes, and our newest program, Minor Guardianship. Congratulations to the 2021 Lied Award for Most Pro Bono Cases by an Attorney, Retired Judge Cheryl Moss.
Vince Consul Memorial Pro Bono Award
Maggie McLetchie & Adam Hosmer-Henner
This award is given in memory of Vince Consul, an attorney who was a champion for access to justice and pro bono, who passed away in 2010. We honor his memory by giving this award to an attorney who embodies what is best in our profession and who has gone above and beyond to assist a client with a civil matter. Through Legal Aid Center and the Federal Pro Bono program, the 2021 recipients accepted the representation of eight inmates who were being denied treatment for Hepatitis C, along with hundreds of other Nevada inmates. Our recipients, members of different firms, joined together and filed a class-action lawsuit in federal court. They struck a settlement that provided for treatment of all affected Nevada inmates. The monetary value of their work was some $30 million dollars. More importantly, their work literally saved the lives of some of our society’s most helpless members. Interestingly, they accomplished all of this without even meeting in person until the Pro Bono Awards Luncheon! Congratulations to our 2021 Vince Consul Memorial Pro Bono Award recipients, Maggie McLetchie and Adam Hosmer-Henner.
Louis Wiener Pro Bono Service Award
Each year we present an award in memory of Louis Wiener. Louis was a prominent local attorney who cared deeply about our community and one of the first lawyers in our community who dedicated himself to helping victims of domestic violence on a pro bono basis. He was an avid pro bono supporter throughout his entire life. The 2021 recipient of the Louis Wiener Pro Bono Service Award stepped up to the plate in a huge way, zealously advocating for survivors of domestic violence. She took several cases and volunteered for 17 family law Ask-a-Lawyer sessions. Congratulations to the 2021 Louis Wiener Pro Bono Service Award, Alyssa Aklestad.
Myrna Williams Children’s Pro Bono Award
Each year we present the Myrna Williams Children’s Pro Bono Award to a volunteer who has done an outstanding job in representing our many child clients. The award is given in honor of Myrna who advocated for the rights of women and children in the legislature and at the county level for years and who helped us establish our Children’s Attorneys Project. The 2021 winner, raised in Las Vegas, runs a personal injury firm. He is an active member of the Clark County Bar Association and involves himself in numerous outreach events, yet he still makes time to help his clients. This year he volunteered over 300 hours representing abused and neglected children. Congratulations to the 2021 Myrna Williams Children’s Pro Bono Award, Atif Sheikh.
Volunteer Education Advocate Award
The Volunteer Education Advocate Award goes to a non-attorney volunteer who goes above and beyond to fiercely advocate for educational rights and opportunities for at-risk foster youth. The 2021 award winner stood out for his dedication and advocacy in this area. He is currently working at a criminal defense firm and starts his law school journey next fall at the University of Texas at Austin. He always wants our most challenging foster care cases, medically fragile students or those with the highest level of needs, and students in locked facilities. He treats these students with respect as he passionately fights for their educational needs. Congratulations to our 2021 Volunteer Education Advocate, Jordan Schuck.
Public Interest Law Student of Distinction
The Public Interest Law Student of Distinction Award recognizes a law student who has made a substantial commitment to the community by doing public interest work and promoting access to justice. Our 2021 recipient is a distinguished third-year student at Boyd. She is a Public Interest Fellow, a Senior Staff Member of the Nevada Law Journal, the prior President and current Vice President of Finance for the Public Interest Law Association, served as the Events Director for the Organization of Women Law Students, is a member of the Just and Inclusive Law School Committee, served on the Nevada Supreme Court Access to Justice Commission, and is the current Student Bar Association President. Congratulations to our 2021 Public interest Law Student of Distinction, Greer Sullivan.
Ask-A-Lawyer Community Commitment Award
The recipient of the 2021 Ask-A-Lawyer Community Commitment Award volunteered at 25 Ask-A-Lawyer sessions, including small claims and landlord-tenant. What set this attorney apart was his willingness to jump in on a moment’s notice and his fortitude to do everything in his power to keep tenants housed. He provided advice to those striving to avoid eviction, guided tenants on how to file an answer, and explained how to apply for rental assistance, ensuring they would not be locked out during the pandemic. Congratulations to the 2021 Ask-A-Lawyer Community Commitment Award, Sagar Raich.
50 Hours Club
Nadia Ahmed
John R. Blackmon
Elizabeth Brickfield
Amanda J. Brookhyser
Ogonna M. Brown
Travis Chance
Lorien K. Cole
Maximiliano D. Couvillier
Richard L. Crane
Michelle Darquea-Kaplan
Stephen A. Davis
James M. Davis
Miguel Delgado
James M. DeVoy
Damon K. Dias
Troy P. Domina
Angela H. Dows
Christi T. Dupont
Emily L. Dyer
Michael N. Feder
Brittney Glover
Dara J. Goldsmith
Marjorie A. Guymon
Marckia L. Hayes
Cindie D Hernandez
Chelsee C. Jensen
Laura L. Johns-Bolhouse
James P. Kemp
Maliq I. Kendricks
Michael Kind
David H. Krieger
Linda Lay
Patricia Lee
Thomas Leeds
Landon D. Littlefield
Michele T. LoBello
Dawn M. Lozano
Jason C. Makris
Margaret A. McLetchie
Christopher Mixson
Andrew D. Moore
Ret. Judge Cheryl B. Moss
Jonathan K Nelson
N. Pieter O’Leary
Jason Onello
Lawrence R. Phillips
Corinne M. Price
R. Christopher Reade
Michael Paul Rhodes
Mark F. Roach
Molly S. Rosenblum
John F. Schaller
Therese M. Shanks
Kim Sinatra
David A. Stephens
Daniel H. Stewart
Elody Tignor
Dana R. Walsh
Shannon M. Wilson
Stephen Yarmy
100 Hours Club
Alyssa Aklestad
Mary E. Bacon
Amardeep Bhatti
Michael P. Carman
Jonathan Chung
Bill Curran
Robert P. Dickerson
Tracy A. DiFillippo
Emily A. Ellis
Dean Jason Ferris
Dayvid J. Figler
John A. Fortin
Frances-Ann Fine
Richard V. Foster
Lynn S. Fulstone
Jennifer Golanics
A. Jill Guingcangco
Doreen Spears Hartwell
Rikki J. Hevrin
Adam D. Hosmer-Henner
Amanda L. Ireland
Gabrielle D. Jones
Gil Khan
Neal Krokosky
Carl A. Lindstrom
Bryce C. Loveland
Racheal H. Mastel
Lisa A. McClane
Matthew McKissick
Carlos A. Morales
Raelene K. Palmer
Bethany L. Rabe
Lisa A. Rasmussen
Marisa Rodriguez
Yasnai C. Rodriguez-Zaman
Ava M. Schaefer
Atif Sheikh
Alisa Steinhauer
Dawn Hathaway Thoman
Dan R. Waite
Paul C. Williams
Shannon Wilson
Timothy A. Wiseman
Meng Zhong
Pro Bono Attorney of the Year: Jennifer Abrams
Law Firm of the Year: Hutchison & Steffen
Lied Award for Most Hours for Law Firm: The Dickerson Karacsonyi Law Group
Lied Award for Most Cases for Law Firm: Lewis Roca Rothgerber Christie, Hutchison & Steffen, & Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck
Lied Award for Most Hours for Attorney: Bethany L. Rabe
Lied Award for Most Cases for Attorney: Marshal Willick
William S. Boyd Award of Excellence: AT&T
Justice Nancy Becker Pro Bono Award of Judicial Excellence: Honorable Mark Gibbons
Myrna Williams Children’s Pro Bono Award: Jason Ferris
Public Interest Law Student of Distinction: Christian Gonzalez Perez
Ask-A-Lawyer Community Commitment Award: Larry Phillips & Carlos Morales
Pro Bono Attorney of the Year
Since we first began presenting the Pro Bono Awards, our most prestigious individual award has been our Pro Bono Attorney of the Year. This award recognizes an attorney whose life and practice over the past year serves as a singular inspiration to others to embrace or renew a dedication to pro bono legal service on behalf of our most vulnerable. This year’s recipient took her first CAP case just over a year ago. She wasted no time at all jumping in with both feet. Since that time, she has represented seven very young children, including two sibling groups and three preverbal babies. Just over the past year, her first year as a CAP attorney, she donated over 320 hours of her time representing these children. Her amazing dedication to her clients and willingness to get involved in a huge way, despite a very demanding practice, distinguishes her from her peers this year. Congratulations to our 2020 Pro Bono Attorney of the Year, Jennifer Abrams.
Pro Bono Law Firm of the Year
This year’s recipient of the Law Firm of the Year Award goes to a firm with a truly exemplary commitment to pro bono and access to justice. The firm’s Las Vegas team contributed over 600 hours this year, an impressive accomplishment for an office with fewer than 45 attorneys. Amazingly, they had three of their attorneys in the 100 Hours Club! This firm is active in several of our programs, including the Nevada Supreme Court Appellate Program, our CAP program, and with consumer and family law cases. We are honored to present the 2020 Pro Bono Law Firm of the Year Award to Hutchinson & Steffen.
Lied Awards
Lied Awards are given in recognition of the Lied Foundation Trust, a foundation that has significantly contributed to our organization for more than a decade. We recognize firms and individuals who excelled in their pro bono efforts.
Most Pro Bono Hours Law Firm
The Dickerson Karacsonyi Law Group
The Lied Award for Most Pro Bono Hours by a Law Firm goes to a firm that has successfully institutionalized a culture of giving back, embodying the highest ideals of the attorney’s professional responsibility of pro bono service. This firm consistently makes pro bono an integral part of their culture and identity. Over the past year, this firm donated hours of pro bono legal work through the Pro Bono Project, claiming the number one spot for number of hours. In light of this tremendous contribution, we are pleased to present the 2020 Lied Award for Most Pro Bono Hours by a Law Firm to The Dickerson Karacsonyi Law Group, whose attorneys contributed an amazing 1,037 hours of pro bono on behalf of Legal Aid Center clients.
Most Pro Bono Hours Attorney
This year’s Lied Award for Most Pro Bono Hours by an attorney goes to an attorney who makes pro bono a core part of her practice. She has done considerable asylum work as well as defending copyright infringement claims brought by trolls in federal court. In fact, over the past year, this graduate of the US Air Force Academy volunteered over 500 hours to helping her pro bono clients! Congratulations to the Lied Award Winner for Most Pro Bono Hours by an Attorney, Bethany L. Rabe, of Counsel at Greenberg Traurig.
Most Pro Bono Cases Law Firm
Lewis Roca Rothgerber Christie, Hutchison & Steffon, & Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck
This year, we are thrilled to be able to recognize three firms that went above and beyond in terms of taking on new pro bono matters. Our winners each accepted 13 new pro bono cases this past year in a variety of areas of law, including landlord-tenant, CAP, consumer, bankruptcy, federal, probate, divorce and custody, name change, adoption, and Nevada Supreme Court appeals. We are pleased to present the 2020 Lied Award for Most Pro Bono Cases by a Law Firm to Lewis Roca Rothgerber Christie, Hutchison & Steffen, and Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck.
Most Pro Bono Cases Attorney
This year’s recipient has been a consistent, tremendous supporter of pro bono for decades. His exemplary dedication to serving Legal Aid Center and its clients is unmatched. This past year he accepted nine new cases from Legal Aid Center’s Pro Bono Project. We are pleased to present our 2020 Lied Award for Most Pro Bono Cases by an Attorney to Marshal Willick.
Justice Nancy Becker Pro Bono Award of Judicial Excellence
This year’s award goes to a giant in the legal field. Following a distinguished career in private practice, this jurist has spent over 24 years in the Nevada judiciary, first as a district judge, then as a Supreme Court Justice, including serving as the Chief Jurist at both levels. He showed signs of his legal intellectual prowess quite early when he graduated from law school at only 23 and immediately entered private practice. His service as the Co-Chair to the Specialty Court Funding Committee has helped to ensure nearly every community in Nevada has access to a specialty court program. He co-chaired the Nevada Rules of Civil Procedure Committee to ensure the judicial process was accessible through the electronic means so relied upon in our modern society. He worked tirelessly on the Rules for the Nevada Supreme Court mediation program, which gave Nevada homeowners a fighting chance to save their homes. He has been a stabilizing influence on all he has done because of his intellect, his demeanor, and his caring for all Nevadans. There has never been one occasion where he doesn’t think about the unmet legal needs of the community in making a decision. His character, work ethic, and commitment will be missed as he retires from the Nevada Supreme Court. We are pleased and honored to give this year’s Nancy Becker Judicial Award of Excellence to Justice Mark Gibbons.
William S. Boyd Award of Excellence
This year’s recipient committed its philanthropy and leadership to impacting homeless and at-risk youth. They reached out to us because they knew of our strong advocacy for kids. We were beneficiaries of their AT&T Believes Las Vegas campaign; they provided grant funding for us to represent teenagers and seed funding for us to launch a new mobile app for at-risk teens called “RISE.” Teens in need don’t read manuals, they go online to find services. Thanks to AT&T, our app, RISE, will provide accurate, quality information and resources at their fingertips. Clark County Social Services and Legal Aid Center have prepared the content, and thanks to AT&T, it’s about to become a reality. For their leadership and commitment to Legal Aid Center and our most vulnerable clients, this year’s William S. Boyd Award of Excellence goes to AT&T.
Myrna Williams Children’s Pro Bono Award
This year’s recipient started his career with a preeminent Silicon Valley law firm and is a highly experienced litigator at both trial and appellate levels. Over the past few years, he has taken on over a dozen CAP cases. This past year alone, he billed 286 hours on five different CAP cases. His commitment is undeniable. For his remarkable advocacy on behalf of children, this year’s Myrna Williams Children’s Pro Bono Award goes to Jason Ferris of Luh & Associates.
Public Interest Law Student of Distinction
The Public Interest Law Student of Distinction Award recognizes a law student who has made a substantial commitment to the community by doing public interest work and promoting access to justice. Our recipient is a recipient of the State Bar of Nevada Professional Development Fellowship who has worked extensively with our organization helping those needing immigration assistance. He has helped more than 100 people renew their DACA permits, all on a volunteer basis. Through it all, he never failed to light up whatever room he was in with his infectious smile, putting clients and colleagues alike in a positive frame of mind. For his dedication to public service and pro bono, it is our great pleasure to present this year’s Public Interest Law Student of Distinction Award to Cristian Gonzalez Perez.
Ask-A-Lawyer Community Commitment Award
Larry Phillips & Carlos Morales
Over the course of the last year, Larry Phillips served an astounding 20 sessions of Landlord-Tenant Ask-A-Lawyer, serving nearly 90 landlord-tenant clients in real dire need! He also took a direct representation pro bono matter during the year. In addition to his ongoing direct representation pro bono case, Carlos Morales served an incredible 130 family law clients with pressing legal matters over the course of the 24 Ask-A-Lawyer sessions he staffed, providing essential information when few other options were available for panicked clients seeking urgent counsel. For their incredible contributions, we are delighted to be able to honor Larry and Carlos for their dedication to providing consistent, urgent counsel to our community’s hardest hit during the past year.
50 Hours Club
Ashlee Vazquez
Dan R. Waite
David A. Stephens
Janet L. Merrill
Linda Lam Lay
Kevin R. Diamond
Mary Tran
Brian Blakley
Erik J. Foley
Tara K. Young
Brandon P. Johansson
Chelsie A. Adams
W. West Allen
Michael P. Carman
Piers Tueller
Mona Kaveh
Jason B. Sifers
Kerry J. Doyle
Brittnie T. Watkins
Shirley A. Derke
Tracy A. DiFillippo
Gian A. Brown
Emily M. McFarling
Warren R. Markowitz
Jason Onello
Sydney Gambee
Nathan E. Lawrence
Jordan J. Butler
Marckia L. Hayes
William D. Nobriga
Bradley S. Schrager
Therese M. Shanks
James A. Beckstrom
Jeremy R. Robins
Tiffany Kahler
Nicholas J. Klein
Kyle A. Ewing
Carol M. Gilbert
Kimber L. Laux
L. Edward Humphrey
Josephine Groh
Royi Moas
Brandi M. Planet
Ava M. Schaefer
Marshal Willick
Richard L. Crane
Adrienne R. Brantley-Lomeli
Rikki J. Hevrin
Andrew L. Kynaston
Emily A. Ellis
Doreen Spears Hartwell
Robert A. Ryan
Christopher M. Humes
Stephanie J. Glantz
100 Hours Club
Gina C. Session
Brittany L Walker
Kevin B. Christensen
Lynn S. Fulstone
Nicholas R. Shook
Stephen Swinton
Paul C. Williams
Christopher Mixson
Jennifer Golanics
A. Jill Guingcangco
Josh M. Reid
Dana R. Walsh
Gia N. Marina
Michael Kind
Alina M. Shell
Daniel H. Stewart
Jon T. Pearson
Shannon R. Wilson
Lisa A. McClane
Meng Zhong
Paola M. Armeni
Robert P. Dickerson
Dean Jason Ferris
Alisa Steinhauer
Hayden R.D. Smith
Dawn Hathaway Thoman
Carl A. Lindstrom
Jennifer V. Abrams
Yasnai C. Rodriguez-Zaman
Jonathan Chung
Raelene K. Palmer
Bethany L. Rabe
Pro Bono Attorney of the Year: Mary E. Bacon
Law Firm of the Year: Snell & Wilmer
Lied Award for Most Hours for Law Firm: Holland & Hart
Lied Award for Most Cases for Law Firm: Lewis Roca Rothgerber Christie & The Dickerson Karacsonyi Group
Lied Award for Most Hours for Attorney: Dawn Hathaway Thoman
Lied Award for Most Cases for Attorney: Marshal Willick
William S. Boyd Award of Excellence: Southwest Gas
Justice Nancy Becker Pro Bono Award of Judicial Excellence: Honorable Richard F. Boulware
Award of Excellence: Brittnie T. Watkins
Vince A. Consul Memorial Pro Bono Award: Kevin Hernandez
Louis Wiener Service Award: Shannon Wilson
Myrna Williams Children’s Pro Bono Award: Meng Zhong
Public Interest Law Student of Distinction: Edgar Cervantes
Ask-A-Lawyer Community Commitment Award: Glenn C. Schepps
Volunteer Education Advocate Award: Leora Abrams
100 Hours Club 20+ Hours per Attorney Heroes Club
Pro Bono Attorney of the Year
This prestigious award recognizes an attorney whose life and practice over the past year serves as a singular inspiration to others to embrace or renew a dedication to volunteerism on behalf of our most vulnerable clients in need. This year’s recipient is a complex business litigation attorney. She practices in State and Federal matters, focusing on construction disputes, breach of contract matters, and defending financial institutions. Despite a full caseload, she donated an incredible 221 hours of pro bono legal services to her clients this past year and also volunteered for several Ask-A-Lawyer sessions.
Pro Bono Law Firm of the Year
This year’s recipient of the Law Firm of the Year Award goes to a firm with a truly exemplary commitment to Legal Aid Center, Pro Bono services, and access to justice. This firm’s Las Vegas team contributed over 1250 hours this year, an impressive accomplishment for an office with fewer than 40 attorneys. Amazingly, they had 7 attorneys in the 50 Hours Club and three of their attorneys in the 100 Hours Club! This firm is active in several of our programs, including the Nevada Supreme Court Appellate Program, our CAP program, and in our US District Court Federal pro bono program. Two of their associates recently obtained a big win for their infant CAP client, clearing the way for her adoption following a 3-day termination of parental rights trial. This firm’s Las Vegas team also earned a particularly meaningful victory in US District Court for a young U.S. girl in real jeopardy. The girl was removed to another country and was in grave danger. The young child and her grandmother wanted to write a different, more hopeful script for her future; one full of hope and opportunity. This year’s honoree firm fought that legal battle mightily in federal court to make that a reality.
Lied Awards
Lied Awards are given in recognition of the Lied Foundation Trust, a foundation that has significantly contributed to our organization for more than a decade. We recognize firms and individuals who excelled in their pro bono efforts.
Most Pro Bono Hours Law Firm
This year’s award goes to a law firm that has successfully institutionalized a culture of giving back, embodying the highest ideals of the attorney’s professional responsibility of pro bono service. This firm consistently makes pro bono an integral part of their culture and identity. Over the past year, this firm donated 1577 hours of pro bono legal work through the Pro Bono Project, claiming the number one spot for number of hours. This effort was undertaken by just 24 attorneys in their Las Vegas office, averaging out to over 65 hours per attorney who did pro bono. The managing partner of their Las Vegas office herself set the example with over 100 hours of pro bono in addition to her volunteer hours with the Nevada Bar Foundation and her extremely busy practice.
Most Pro Bono Hours Attorney
This year’s award goes to an attorney who makes pro bono a core part of her practice. She has completely embraced the work of helping children in the CAP program, and as a result, has made a huge difference in the lives of her young clients. In the past year alone, she contributed an astonishing 428 hours of time serving children in the foster care system, to ensure their wishes are represented in the process of finding safe, loving, and permanent homes.
Most Pro Bono Cases Law Firm
Lewis Roca Rothgerber Christie & The Dickerson Karacsonyi Law Group
This year, we have a tie: two firms who went above and beyond in terms of taking on new pro bono matters. Our winners both accepted 26 new pro bono cases this past year in a variety of areas of law, including legal assistance to our service members and veterans, CAP, consumer, bankruptcy, federal, probate, divorce and custody, name change and gender marker cases, and Nevada Supreme Court appeals. They are two firms we acknowledge every year because every year they do so much for so many in our community.
Most Pro Bono Cases Attorney
This year’s recipient has been a consistent, tremendous supporter of pro bono for decades. His exemplary dedication to serving Legal Aid Center and its clients is unmatched. This past year he accepted 20 new cases from Legal Aid Center’s Pro Bono Project.
Access to Justice Award of Excellence
This award is one we do not present every year, because it is not every year that a firm or an attorney exhibits the exceptional traits required to earn the distinction. It is reserved for occasions when we need to bestow a special recognition to someone who has gone above and beyond expectations on a particular case or matter. As you may know, one of the pro bono opportunities available to attorneys is the Federal Pro Bono program. Through this program, federal judges can refer cases filed by pro se litigants for pro bono assignment. This year’s awardee accepted one of these cases and obtained a tremendous outcome for her client. As if that were not enough, our award winner also handled two CAP cases this past year where she represented children in foster care. She is someone we turn to when we have a special case that needs a special touch. Despite being a busy associate practicing in complex commercial litigation, our award winner’s dedication led to her donating 288 hours of pro bono time to these cases.
Justice Nancy Becker Pro Bono Award of Judicial Excellence
The Honorable Richard F. Boulware
This award was named after Nevada Supreme Court Justice Nancy Becker, who founded the Pro Bono Project in 1985. For years, she nurtured the Project when few believed the concept would work. Her namesake award recognizes members of the judiciary who have given time, energy, and influence to encourage pro bono work and to promote access to justice. This year’s recipient is a native Nevadan who went to Harvard undergrad and Columbia Law School before clerking for a federal judge in New York and joining the Federal Defender’s office in New York. Fortunately, he decided to return to Nevada and was appointed to the Federal bench in 2014. He is a jurist who believes that access to justice is an integral part of the rule of law. He made it a personal mission by offering and arranging a trial skills academy for those attorneys willing to take pro bono cases from the federal court. He participates in trial trainings for legal aid attorneys. Every time you see this honoree, he wants to talk about another way to help improve access to justice and pro bono – it’s just part of who he is.
William S. Boyd Award of Excellence
This award signifies exceptional leadership and a commitment to pro bono services by a corporate or business entity. This year’s recipient has distinguished itself as a champion and key partner of Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada for more than a decade. This company contributed significantly toward the building of Legal Aid Center’s new headquarters and to Legal Aid Center’s endowment campaign. It supported Legal Aid Center through its employee-driven charitable giving program which helps raise awareness and directs charitable giving to worthy nonprofits. Its regulatory lawyers have begun accepting pro bono cases. Its commitment to Nevada and those in need in the community is exemplary.
Vince Consul Memorial Pro Bono Award
Kevin Hernandez
This award is given in memory of Vince Consul, an attorney who was a champion for access to justice and pro bono. We honor his memory by awarding an attorney who embodies what is best in our profession and who has gone above and beyond to assist a client with a civil matter. This year’s recipient understands that low-income Nevadans can be easy prey for those eager to take advantage of them, and he truly cares about protecting his clients from consumer fraud, identity theft, and abusive debt collection. This recipient has demonstrated his commitment by donating nearly 130 hours of time to his pro bono clients. He also presented an impressive CLE on Identify Theft to our staff attorneys and volunteers.
Louis Wiener Pro Bono Service Award
Our Family Justice Project handles some of the most heartbreaking cases we see. Louis was a prominent local attorney who cared deeply about our community and one of the first lawyers in our community who dedicated himself to helping victims of domestic violence on a pro bono basis. This year’s recipient stepped up to the plate in a huge way to and gave of her time and energy to ensure her client’s interest had been protected and provided a sense of reassurance to her client. She has taken several other cases as well. In her usual practice, this year’s recipient focuses on family law but she also practices administrative and regulatory law as well as insurance litigation. She donated 284 hours of pro bono time and helped out with Ask-A-Lawyer sessions this past year.
Myrna Williams Children’s Pro Bono Award
Representing children with broken bones, cigarette burns and murdered siblings is really brutal and heart wrenching. It’s also really rewarding when you are able to represent them and make a difference in their life. Each year we present the Myrna Williams Children’s Pro Bono Award to a volunteer who has done an outstanding job in representing our many child clients. The award is given in honor of Myrna, who advocated for the rights of women and children in the Legislature and at the County level for years and who helped us establish our Children’s Attorneys Project. This year’s winner volunteered over 100 hours last year to representing abused and neglected children and mentoring other CAP attorneys. In addition, he also volunteered at Ask-A-Lawyer sessions.
Volunteer Education Advocate Award
Place yourself in the shoes of a youth in foster care. You were abused or neglected at home, you’ve been removed from your home and now you are struggling in school due to behavioral or developmental reasons. You are at risk of failing unless you receive additional educational services. But there is no parent to advocate for you and your case worker is prohibited from taking this role under federal law. This is where Legal Aid Center comes in. We created a program that matches non-attorney volunteers with at-risk foster youth to ensure they are not left behind in school. We recruit and train volunteers to become fierce advocates for these students. This year’s award winner is an amazing volunteer for her dedication and advocacy in this area. She is in her 4th year at UNLV where she is in the Honors Program, majoring in Biology with a minor in Psychology and Neuroscience. She became a volunteer in 2018 and since that time, she has taken on some of our most challenging cases, advocating for 25 foster children with educational needs.
Public Interest Law Student of Distinction
We are so fortunate to have one of the finest law schools in the nation right here in our community. The William S. Boyd School of Law has been committed to public interest law, pro bono service, and a partnership with our organization, since its inception. The Public Interest Law Student of Distinction Award recognizes a law student who has made a substantial commitment to the community by doing public interest work and promoting access to justice. Our recipient is a distinguished third-year student at Boyd. He is an Articles Editor for the Nevada Law Journal, a Public Interest Fellow, serves as the Vice President of Community Involvement with the Public Interest Law Association, and serves as the Community Service Director for the American Constitution Society for Law and Policy.
Ask-A-Lawyer Community Commitment Award
The recipient of this award volunteered at 19 family Ask-A-Lawyers this year. He consulted with grateful participants, like the mother of four who was served with stacks of divorce and custody papers and wanted to know if and how she could fight her case. This is only one example of the many lives our volunteer touched. He empowered dozens of terrified self-represented litigants to proceed in an unfamiliar arena.
100 Hours Club

400+ Hours
Dawn Hathaway Thoman
300+ Hours
Emily A. Buchwald
Lauren D. Calvert
Christopher M. Cannon
Robert Dickerson
David J. Freeman
Amanda L. Ireland
Carl A. Lindstrom
Abraham Smith
200+ Hours
Mary E. Bacon
William Curran
Kyle A. Ewing
Richard C. Gordon
Evan G. Hall
Nicholas R. Shook
Eric D. Walther
Brittnie T. Watkins
Shannon R. Wilson
100+ Hours
Constance L. Akridge
John R. Blackmon
Gian A. Brown
Janice Brown
Robert J. Cassity
Benjamin B. Childs
Richard L. Crane
Stephen A. Davis
Shirley A. Derke
Angela H. Dows
Emily A. Ellis
Dean Jason Ferris
Lynn S. Fulstone
Sydney Gambee
Jennifer Golanics
Marjorie A. Guymon
Ryan A. Hamilton
Kari J. Hanratty
Cindie D. Hernandez
Kevin L. Hernandez
Daniel S. Ivie
Tiffany Kahler
Mona Kaveh
Kristofer D. Leavitt
Anat R. Levy
Michelle T. Lobello
Kate C. Lowenhar-Fisher
Dawn M. Lozano
Jason C. Makris
Racheal H. Mastel
Lisa A. McClane
Patrick C. McDonnell
Michael T. McLoughlin
Robert McPeak
Christopher R. Myers
Dan F. Polsenberg
Kristopher S. Pre
Carrie J. Primas
Lisa A. Rasmussen
Ava M. Schaefer
Bradley S. Schrager
Therese M. Shanks
Debra L. Spinelli
Sean E. Story
Kelly B. Stout
Stephen Swinton
Matthew R. Tsai
Michael W. Wadley
Madison P. Zornes-Vela
20+ Hours Per Attorney Heroes Club
The inspirational goal in Nevada is for every lawyer to provide at least 20 hours of pro bono services per year. These law firms met and / or exceeded this goal by donating 20 pro bono hours or more per attorney!
Law Firms with 15+ Attorneys
Ballard Sphar
Holland & Hart
Hutchison & Steffen
Garman Turner Gordon
Snell & Wilmer
Law Firms with 6 – 14 Attorneys
Armstrong Teasdale
Black & Lobello
Kemp Jones & Coulthard
Pisanelli Bice
The Dickerson Karacsonyi Law Group
Wolf Rifkin Shapiro
Schulman & Rabkin
Law Firms with 1 -5 Attorneys
Aldrich Law Firm
Amen Law Group
Anat Levy & Associates
Aquino Law Group
Bailey Kennedy
Ballstaedt Law Firm
Blackmon Law Group
Brauer Driscoll Sun & Associates
Charles Schwab
Claflin Law
Dawn M. Lozano, Ltd.
Dias Law Group
Douglas Crawford Law
Golanics Law
Goldsmith & Guymon
Hamilton Law
Hanratty Law Group
Hartwell Thalacker
Ireland Law Group
Jenny Legal
Jimmerson Law Firm
Jones Lovelock
Kainen Law Group
Kevin E. Beck, Ltd.
Kristine K. Jensen, Ltd.
Las Vegas Estate Planning & Probate Lawyer
Law Office of Alyssa Aklestad
Law Office of Christine M. Owen
Law Office of James J. Ream
Law Office of Julie A. Mersch
Law Office of Kevin L. Hernandez
Law Office of Lisa Rasmussen
Law Office of Nathalie Gottschalk
Law Office of Yvette Chevalier
Law Offices of Christopher Cannon
Law Offices of Donald E. Lowrey
Law Offices of Janice Brown
Law Offices of P. Sterling Kerr
Law Offices of Robert L. Hempen II
Leavitt Legal Group
Leavitt Legal Services
Lombino Law Studio
Lynn’s Law
Makris Legal Services
McDonald Law Group
McLetchi Shell
Morris Law Center
Naimi & Cerceo
Nehme-Tomalka & Associates
O’Grady Law Group
Premier Legal Group
Radford J. Smith, Chartered
Roberts Stoffel Family Law Group
Spencer Fane
Tanasi Law Offices
The Langsdale Law Firm
The Law Office of Vernon Nelson
The Palmer Law Firm
The Ruiz Law Firm
Theresa Mains, Attorney at Law
Thomas M. Burns, Ltd.
TMR Law Group
Vargas Law Group
Willick Law Group
Xavier Gonzales, Attorney at Law
Young Law Group
Zaman Legal
Pro Bono Attorney of the Year: Mona Kaveh
Law Firm of the Year: Lewis Roca Rothgerber Christie LLP
Lied Award for Most Hours for Law Firm: Lewis Roca Rothgerber Christie LLP
Lied Award for Most Cases for Law Firm: Holley Driggs Walch Fine Puzey Stein Thompson
Lied Award for Most Hours for Attorney: Dawn Hathaway Thoman
Lied Award for Most Cases for Attorney: Kathleen J. England
William S. Boyd Award of Excellence: Bank of Nevada
Justice Nancy Becker Pro Bono Award of Judicial Excellence: Honorable Michael L. Douglas, Chief Justice Nevada Supreme Court
Award of Excellence: Daniel F. Polsenberg & Abraham Smith
Vince A. Consul Memorial Pro Bono Award: Michael Kind
Louis Wiener Service Award: Jason Onello
Myrna Williams Children’s Pro Bono Award: Kristopher S. Pre
Public Interest Law Student of Distinction: Samantha Scofield
Ask-A-Lawyer Community Commitment Award: Arturo Sanchez
Volunteer Education Advocate Award: Emily Strand
Click here to view the event program
Click here to view our generous sponsors and table purchasers.
Mona Kaveh
Kemp Jones & Coulthard, LLP
This prestigious award recognizes an attorney whose life and practice over the past year serves as a singular inspiration to others to embrace or renew a dedication to volunteerism on behalf of those in need. She stays incredibly busy, but still finds time to take on significant pro bono work, especially in the CAP area. Importantly, she does not limit her contributions to direct representation, but serves as a consistent and active inspiration, and mentor to others around her to encourage them to get involved as well.
View Mona’s tribute video to learn more about her contributions.
Pro Bono Law Firm of the Year
Lewis Roca Rothgerber Christie, LLP
This year’s recipient of the Law Firm of the Year Award goes to a firm with a truly exemplary commitment to Legal Aid Center, Pro Bono services, and access to justice. The firm contributed over 1300 hours this year, a truly impressive accomplishment for a firm with 29 attorneys in their Las Vegas office. Amazingly, they had four attorneys in the 50 hour club, and six of their attorneys in the 100 hour club! You have already heard a lot about this firm’s commitment to service today, as their attorneys have picked up a few other awards. Putting it all together under one roof in one year, earns this team the top firm award.
View Lewis Roca Rothgerber Christie, LLP tribute video to learn more about their contribution.
Lied Awards
Lied Awards are given in recognition of the Lied Foundation Trust, a foundation that has significantly contributed to our organization for more than a decade.
Most Pro Bono Hours by a Law Firm
Lewis Roca Rothgerber Christie LLP
This firm has successfully institutionalized a culture of giving back, embodying the highest ideals of the attorney’s professional responsibility of pro bono service. This firm consistently makes pro bono an integral part of their culture and identity.
Most Pro Bono Cases by a Law Firm
Holley Driggs Walch Fine Puzey Stein Thompson
This firm accepted accepted 27 new pro bono cases this year in a variety of areas of law, including legal assistance to our service members and veterans. For example, they have taken cases in areas as diverse as bankruptcy, CAP, collections, landlord tenant, name changes, gender marker changes, federal copyright infringement defense, divorce and custody, and Nevada Supreme Court appeals in the areas of contract, civil procedure, and inmate civil rights.
Most Pro Bono Hours by an Attorney
Dawn Hathaway Thoman
This attorney makes pro bono a core part of her practice. She has embraced the practice of helping children through the Children’s Attorneys Project, and as a result directs her substantial skill to going above and beyond for all of her clients. In the past year, she has contributed an astonishing 643 hours of time serving children in the foster care system, to ensure their wishes are represented in the process of finding safe, loving, and permanent homes.
Most Pro Bono Cases by an Attorney
Kathleen J. England
Gilbert & England Law Firm
This year’s awardee has been a consistent, tremendous supporter of pro bono for several years. She loves this community very deeply. After October 1, she turned her talent and resources to helping survivors of that vicious attack however she could. In the first week after the shooting, she helped build the Remembrance/Healing Garden downtown. She then reached out directly to Legal Aid Center to offer her legal services for wage and employment claims. Due directly to their dedication, all of her clients received settlements through the Labor Commissioner.
William S. Boyd Award of Excellence
This award is given in honor of William Boyd, to commemorate his extraordinary service to our organization. Each year it honors a business or community leader who has been an outstanding supporter of legal aid and pro bono services.
This year’s recipient stood out because of their sincere commitment to funding legal aid and pro bono efforts. Their tremendous team has become a welcome fixture at so many of our events throughout the year, during which they have demonstrated their dedication to supporting access to justice and the mission of Legal Aid Center.
Justice Nancy Becker Pro Bono Award of Judicial Excellence
This award is given in honor of Nancy Becker, one of the founders of the Pro Bono Project and a strong advocate for access to justice. Each year it recognizes a member of the judiciary who has given his or her time, energy, and influence to encourage pro bono work and support access to justice.
Honorable Michael L. Douglas, Chief Justice Nevada Supreme Court
This jurist has made a commitment to advancing pro bono service an integral part of his professional identity in a way few will ever match. He can be counted on to attend every access to justice meeting and pro bono event, and an anticipated highlight of most of his appearances is his usual delivery of unscripted, stirring, and inspirational comments. He comes from a tradition of public servants who understand that to accept a high public calling brings with it the responsibility to use that platform to encourage others to be mindful of those around us who don’t enjoy the privileges we take for granted.
View tribute video for Honorable Michael L. Douglas.
Award of Excellence
This award is given to a person or entity that goes above and beyond in providing pro bono services, or support and assistance to pro bono and access to justice.
Daniel Polsenberg & Abraham Smith
Lewis Roca Rothgerber Christie, LLP
Our honorees have gone above and beyond expectations in an area of law not represented by one of our other awards. This year that area is appeals cases placed through our amazing program with the Nevada Supreme Court. This year’s honorees have been leaders in this program, contributing both as a part of the Committee that oversees the program as well as volunteering to take on an amazing 6 cases through the program over the last year. They also accept many other appeals cases involving the appeals of abused children, often involving very important issues to our clients. They will drop everything to accept a call from us.
Vince Consul Memorial Pro Bono Award
This award is given in memory of Vince Consul, a long-time advocate for access to justice. Each year it recognizes an attorney who made a substantial commitment to a client with a civil matter.
Michael Kind
Kazerouni Law Group, APC
Some of the worst cases we see at Legal Aid Center involve individuals who prey not only on one person, but perpetuate their predatory behavior over and over again. This is exactly the type of case our awardee is especially good at. In fact, over the past year or so, he has taken on two lines of cases against common defendants where businesses have conducted a scheme to take money from a series of our clients. In the brief time he has been volunteering with us, he has already taken 14 of our most challenging consumer protection cases.
View Michael Kind’s tribute video to learn more about his contribution.
Louis Wiener Service Award
This award is given in memory of Louis Wiener for his dedication in helping victims of domestic violence. Each year it honors someone who has made substantial contributions in representing victims.
Jason Onello
Onello Law Group
This year’s recipient is an experienced family law practitioner, he routinely undertakes representation of difficult domestic violence, custody, and divorce cases for clients who need assistance dealing with critical life issues. In fact, he spent nearly 100 hours this past year representing domestic violence and other clients, including CAP children.
Myrna Williams Children’s Pro Bono Award
This award is given in honor of Myrna Williams, who was an instrumental force in obtaining legal representation for abused children in foster care. Each year it recognizes an attorney who made an extraordinary difference in the life of a child.
Kristopher S. Pre
This year’s winner volunteered an impressive 91 hours to his CAP cases alone this past year. But that is only part of the story; our awardee also serves as a Volunteer Education Advocate for foster children. In fact, he has served as a Volunteer Education Advocate for six children in addition to his CAP work. And he has also done pro bono custody work in Family Court.
Public Interest Law Student of Distinction
We are so fortunate to have one of the best law schools in the nation right here in our community – the William S. Boyd School of Law. Through the leadership of its deans and faculty, the law school has been committed to public interest law, pro bono service, and our own organization, since its inception. This award recognizes a law student who has made a substantial commitment to the community by doing public interest work and promoting access to justice.
Samantha Scofield
This year’s recipient is a third-year student who has a long history of serving others. She is a Boyd Public Interest Fellow, has served as a Volunteer Education Advocate, and is a Kids’ Court School Educator, along with many other public service activities.
Ask-A-Lawyer Community Commitment Award
This award is given to a volunteer whose tremendous commitment week after week makes the Ask-A-Lawyer Program possible.
Arturo Sanchez
This year’s recipient, among his many other volunteer service pursuits, over the last year he has worked an unbelievable 33 shifts, totaling nearly 100 hours at Family Ask-A-Lawyer. Many of the clients at these events are facing daunting family situations involving custody, support, or even violence, they have no idea how to proceed, and they need to speak to a lawyer right away about making their situation right. This volunteer provided a lifeline to some of our most desperate clients. To give you an idea of his commitment to pro bono service, he also provided another 40 hours of pro bono direct representation, separate and apart from his Ask-A-Lawyer service!
Volunteer Education Advocate Award
This award recognizes a non-attorney volunteer who has made a difference in the life of a child with special education needs.
Emily Strand
This year’s award winner is an exceptional volunteer. She is a third-year law student at the William S. Boyd School of Law, pursuing a career in public interest or family law. She is active in the Public Interest Law Association, Kids Court, the Organization of Women Lawyers, and Phi Alpha Delta. She also serves as an Arbitrator through the Saltman Center for Alternative Dispute Resolution. Despite all those time commitments, she still made the time to advocate on the behalf of Twenty Five foster children in the last two years!
100 Hours Club:
400+ Hours
Christopher Cannon
Kari Hanratty
Dawn Hathaway Thoman
300+ Hours
William Curran
200+ Hours
Jonathan Chung
Stephen Davis
Robert Dickerson
Jennifer Golanics
Mackenzie Warren
100+ Hours
Jeanette “Jae” Barrick
Stephanie Bedker
Adrienne Brantley
Emily Buchwald
Marilyn Caston
Tami Cowden
Richard Crane
Sabrina Dolson
Emily Ellis
Kathleen England
Nedda Ghandi
Bill Hammer
Robert Hempen
Cindie Hernandez
Kristine Jensen
Edward Kainen
Mona Kaveh
Rory Kay
Malani Kotchka-Alanes
Andrew Kynaston
Patricia Lee
Akke Levin
Thomas Levine
Dawn Lozano
Kristen Martini
Racheal Mastel
Lisa McClane
Emily McFarling
Margaret McLetchie
Carlos Morales
Shaina Plaksin
Carrie Primas
Bethany Rabe
Benjamin Reitz
Arturo Sanchez
Ava Schaefer
Nicole Scott
Abraham Smith
Sean Story
Ronald Thompson
Anne Traum
Rachel Sloane Tygret
Hillary Gaston Walsh
Brittnie Watkins
Adam Yowell
Meng Zhong
Judge Bill Henderson – Family Court
Robyn and Aldo Manzini
Lewis Roca Rothgerber Christie
Nevada State Bank
William S. Boyd School of Law
Boyd Gaming Corporation
Southwest Gas Corporation
Litigation Section of the State Bar of Nevada
Kemp Jones & Coulthard
R&R Partners Foundation
Bank of Nevada
Bank of America
Caesars Entertainment
Culinary Union, Local 226
Bailey Kennedy
Kainen Law Group
The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas
Nevada Justice Association
Dickinson Wright
Greenberg Traurig
Charles Schwab Bank
Marquis Aurbach Coffing
Hartwell Thalacker
Pisanelli Bice
Holley Driggs Walch Fine Puzey Stein & Thompson
Speaker Jason Frierson
Reid Rubinstein Bogatz
Nevada Senate Democrats
Goldsmith & Guymon
Howard & Howard
Springel & Fink
Mutual of America
Rob Telles for Clark County Public Administrator
Willick Law Group
Thomas & Mack Company
Holland & Hart
Hutchison & Steffen
Carrara Nevada
Clark Hill PLLC
NV Energy
Ghandi Deeter Blackham Law
Koeller, Nebeker, Carlson & Haluck
Advanced Resolution Management
The Dickerson Karacsonyi Law Group
Fox Rothschild
Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck
Edward M. Bernstein & Associates
FirstMed Health & Wellness Center
Sklar Williams
Hammer Resolution Facilitators
Southern Nevada Senior Law Program
Wynn Resorts
Garman Turner Gordon
Ballard Spahr
Fennemore Craig
Gallian Welker & Beckstrom
Garg Golden Law Firm
State Bar of Nevada
Nevada Legal News
McDonald Carano
Law Offices of David C. Nelson
Republic Services
Pro Bono Attorney of the Year: Dawn Lozano
Law Firm of the Year: Kemp Jones & Coulthard
Lied Award for Most Hours for Law Firm: Lewis Roca Rothgerber Christie LLP
Lied Award for Most Cases for Law Firm: Lewis Roca Rothgerber Christie LLP
Lied Award for Most Hours for Attorney: Dawn Hathaway Thoman
Lied Award for Most Cases for Attorney: Marshal Willick
William S. Boyd Award of Excellence: Wynn Resorts
Justice Nancy Becker Pro Bono Award of Judicial Excellence: Honoarable Cam Ferenbach and Honorable William Cobb
Law Firm Risting Star: Pisanelli Bice
Vince A. Consul Memorial Pro Bono Award: William Brown
Louis Wiener Service Award: Marilyn Caston
Myrna Williams Children’s Pro Bono Award: Mona Kaveh
Public Interest Law Student of Distinction: Seleste Wyse
Ask-A-Lawyer Community Commitment Award: Mary Bacon
Volunteer Education Advocate Award: David Schoen
100 Hours Club:
400+ Hours
Malani Kotchka-Alanes
Carlos Morales
Dawn Hathaway Thoman
300+ Hours
Dawn Lozano
Brittnie Watkins
Madison Zornes-Vela
200+ Hours
Mary Bacon
William Brown
William Curran
Bob Dickerson
Michael Gayan
Kari Hanratty
Robert Hempen
Mona Kaveh
Racheal Mastel
Tracy O’Steen
Marshal Willick
100+ Hours
Travis Barrick
Eunice Beattie
Stephanie Bedker
Brian Blackham
Leah Blakesley
Matthew Carter
Travis Chance
Jason Close
Lorien Cole
Brittanica Collins
Trevor Creel
Laura Deeter
Tracy DiFillippo
Sabrina Dolson
Emily Ellis
Erik Foley
Ammon Francom
Puneet Garg
Nedda Ghandi
Jennifer Golanics
Bill Hammer
Rochelle Harding-Roed
Cindie Hernandez
Adam Hosmer-Henner
Marla Hudgens
Joshua Igeleke
Kristina Janusz
John Jones
David Krieger
Ishi Kunin
Andrew Kynaston
Linda Lay
Patricia Lee
Ryan Loosvelt
Enn Luo
Augusta Massey
Kimberly Medina
Martin Melendrez
Maria Quiroga
Arturo Sanchez
Abraham Smith
Stephen Swinton
Ryan Thomas
Angela Wall
Eric Walther
Adam Yowell
Judge Bill Henderson, Family Court
William S. Boyd School of Law
Bank of America
R&R Partners Foundation
The Rogers Foundation
Armstrong Teasdale
Bank of Nevada
Boyd Gaming
Lewis Roca Rothgerber Christie
Kemp, Jones & Coulthard
Southwest Gas Corporation
Culinary Workers Union, Local 226
Hutchison & Steffen
Robyn & Aldo Manzini
Marquis Aurbach Coffing
The Dickerson Karacsonyi Law Group
Nevada Justice Association
Koeller, Nebeker, Carlson & Haluck
Haines & Krieger
Reid Rubinstein Bogatz
Dickinson Wright
John J. Cahill, Public Administrator
AT&T (2 tables)
Bailey Kennedy
State Bar of Nevada
Hartwell Thalacker
Kainen Law Group
Pisanelli Bice
Holley Driggs Walch Fine Wray Puzey Thompson
Hanratty Law Group
Carrara Nevada
Gentile Cristalli Miller Armeni Savarese
Holland & Hart
Clark County
Willick Law Group
Wynn Resorts
Fox Rothschild
FirstMed Health & Wellness Center
NV Energy
Kolesar & Leatham
Garman Turner Gordon
Charles Schwab Bank
Black & LoBello
McDonald Carano
Hammer Resolution Facilitators
Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck
Republic Services
Senate Democratic Leader Aaron Ford
Southern Nevada Senior Law Program
Committee to Elect Jason Frierson
Ghandi Deeter Blackham
Edward M. Bernstein & Associates
Goldsmith Guymon
The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas
Spencer Fane
Ballard Spahr
Dawn M. Lozano
Gallian Welker & Beckstrom
Sklar Williams
Garg Golden Law Firm
Boies Schiller Flexner
Nevada Legal News
Pro Bono Attorney of the Year
Dawn Lozano
Dawn M. Lozano Ltd.
This prestigious award recognizes an attorney whose life and practice inspire others to embrace or renew a dedication to volunteerism on behalf of those in need. This volunteer has never been recognized by us before, but over her entire legal career, she has donated so much of herself to helping others.
View Dawn’s tribute video to learn more about her contributions.
Pro Bono Law Firm of the Year
This year’s recipient goes to a firm with an unparalleled commitment to legal aid, pro bono services, and access to justice. The firm contributed over 1,300 hours this year, a truly impressive accomplishment for a firm with 14 attorneys. They adopted the Children’s Attorney Project as their signature, firm-wide pro bono project, and take it very seriously, focusing on infants and toddlers in foster care whose legal and constitutional rights are often overlooked. A team of the firm’s attorneys, led by Randall Jones and Michael Gayan, co-counselled a complex class action with our staff counsel on behalf of more than 10,000 community residents, participating in multiple appeals and writs filed in the Nevada Supreme Court, and even a trip to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Lied Awards
Lied Awards are given in recognition of the Lied Foundation Trust, a foundation which has significantly contributed to our organization for more than a decade.
Most Pro Bono Hours by a Law Firm
Lewis Roca Rothgerber Christie LLP
This firm has successfully institutionalized a culture of giving back, embodying the highest ideals of the attorney’s professional responsibility of pro bono service. This firm consistently makes pro bono an integral part of their culture and identity.
Most Pro Bono Cases by a Law Firm
Lewis Roca Rothgerber Christie LLP
This firm accepted 27 new pro bono cases this year in a variety of areas of law, including legal assistance to our service members and veterans through a program with the Attorney General’s Office of Military Legal Assistance.
Most Pro Bono Hours by an Attorney
Dawn Hathaway Thoman
This attorney makes pro bono a core part of her practice. She has embraced the practice of helping children through the Children’s Attorneys Project, and as a result directs her substantial skill to going above and beyond for all of her clients. In the past year, she has contributed an astonishing 689 hours of time serving children in the foster care system, to ensure their wishes are represented in the process of finding safe, loving, and permanent homes.
Most Pro Bono Cases by an Attorney
Marshal Willick
Willick Law Group
This attorney accepted 22 new cases this year. He has been a consistent, tremendous supporter of pro bono for several years. To give you an idea of his commitment, he personally volunteered over 230 hours of pro bono legal work on behalf of his clients this year, and has cultivated a genuine culture of volunteerism at his firm. All four attorneys in his firm contributed over 100 hours of pro bono service this year.
William S. Boyd Award of Excellence
This award is given in honor of William Boyd, to commemorate his extraordinary service to our organization. Each year it honors a business or community leader who has been an outstanding supporter of legal aid and pro bono services.
This year’s recipient stood out because they are involved with Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada in so many different ways. Their company’s legal department take pro bono cases involving abused children and can cite child welfare case law as easily as they can gaming law. Their company created a unique program to help their employees gain citizenship, designing free education classes for their employees wishing to gain citizenship, then paying the $725 application fee for them. Not satisfied with that, they created a partnership with Legal Aid Center so that we could help every employee with the over 20 page citizenship application known as the N-400. This past year, over 120 employees were helped. Their chief legal Counsel Kim Sinatra sits on the Board of directors for Legal Aid Center. And finally, they were one of the first companies in Nevada to help us with our endowment fund challenge.
View Wynn Resort’s tribute video to learn more about their contributions.
Justice Nancy Becker Pro Bono Award of Judicial Excellence
Justice Nancy Becker Pro Bono Award of Judicial Excellence
This award is given in honor of Nancy Becker, one of the founders of the Pro Bono Project and a strong advocate for access to justice. Each year it recognizes a member of the judiciary who has given his or her time, energy, and influence to encourage pro bono work and support access to justice.
Honorable Cam Ferenbach & Honorable William Cobb
This year, we honored two judges who have been significant pro bono supporters for years. Both of these judges provided instrumental assistance in creating and ensuring the continuing success of the Federal Pro Bono Program in the District of Nevada. This year, our awardees made sure that the Program would enjoy even greater success in the future. They both devoted many hours to apply lessons learned in revising and improving the administration of the Program, as well ensuring continuing funding for the reimbursement of costs incurred by pro bono counsel.
Law Firm Rising Star
This award recognizes a law firm which has achieved the greatest advance in pro bono participation over the course of a year.
This year’s awardee is a firm that has made a major impression in the community since its founding and has elevated consistent pro bono service to one of its core principles. That commitment is reflected in the fact that the firm has quickly risen to occupy the sixth spot in terms of total hours contributed by all firms in the community, at 716 hours, for a firm of 11 attorneys.
Vince Consul Memorial Pro Bono Award
This award is given in memory of Vince Consul, a long-time advocate for access to justice. Each year it recognizes an attorney who made a substantial commitment to a client with a civil matter.
William Brown
Lambrose Brown
This year’s winner has been taking cases with the Pro Bono Project for over ten years. However, this last year, he outdid himself, assisting one client with nearly 200 hours of time prosecuting a civil fraud case. This was on top of the 190 hours he had already spent on the case in previous years. Some of the worst cases we see at Legal Aid Center involve individuals who prey not only on one person, but perpetuate their scam over and over again. One such individual preyed on members of the Hispanic community, convincing them they could save their homes from foreclosure by filing lawsuits. By the time our awardee got involved, this defendant had targeted over twenty vulnerable individuals. This attorney sued this individual, securing a judgment of over 1 million dollars, hopefully putting her out of business for good.
Louis Wiener Service Award
This award is given in memory of Louis Wiener for his dedication in helping victims of domestic violence. Each year it honors someone who has made substantial contributions in representing victims.
Marilyn Caston
Nevada Family Law Group
This year’s recipient graduated from the Boyd School of Law in 2008 and has dedicated substantial time to serving as pro bono counsel to her hometown community members ever since. In 2017 she really took her dedication to the next level. She routinely undertakes representation of multiple clients, including difficult domestic violence, custody, and divorce cases for clients who need assistance dealing with critical life issues.
Myrna Williams Children’s Pro Bono Award
This award is given in honor of Myrna Williams, who was an instrumental force in obtaining legal representation for abused children in foster care. Each year it recognizes an attorney who made an extraordinary difference in the life of a child.
Mona Kaveh
Kemp Jones & Coulthard
This year’s winner was nominated by our staff CAP counsel, who often observe her inspirational and zealous advocacy on behalf of her several CAP clients in court. She volunteered an incredible 264 hours to her CAP cases this past year alone.
View Mona’s tribute video to learn more about her contributions.
Public Interest Law Student of Distinction
We are so fortunate to have one of the best law schools in the nation right here in our community – the William S. Boyd School of Law. Through the leadership of its deans and faculty, the law school has been committed to public interest law, pro bono service, and our own organization, since its inception. This award recognizes a law student who has made a substantial commitment to the community by doing public interest work and promoting access to justice.
Seleste Wyse
This year’s recipient is a third-year student who has a long history of serving others. She is a Boyd Public Interest Fellow, was the 2017 Champions of Justice Law Student of the Year, is a Kids’ Court School Educator, along with many other public service activities.
Ask-A-Lawyer Community Commitment Award
This award is given to a volunteer whose tremendous commitment week after week makes the Ask-A-Lawyer Program possible.
Mary Bacon
Spencer Fane
This attorney is truly one of a kind. Anyone who has met her knows that she is energetic and full of joy, as well as being an exemplary attorney. It is so admirable that she has made it a priority to give back to the profession by serving those who cannot afford to pay. Among her many other volunteer service pursuits, over the last year she has worked 19 shifts, totaling 38 hours at the Landlord Tenant Ask-A-Lawyer held at the Regional Justice Center Civil Law Self Help Center. Through this program, she provided a lifeline to some of our most desperate clients.
Volunteer Education Advocate Award
This award recognizes a non-attorney volunteer who has made a difference in the life of a child with special education needs.
David Schoen
The Abrams & May Law Firm
This year’s award winner is an exceptional volunteer. After a distinguished career in the United States military, he became a Certified Paralegal. He has received numerous awards and commendations for his dedication to service and commitment to excellence. He has also made the time to advocate on behalf of twelve foster children just in the last year. He has consistently offered to take some of the most challenging foster care cases and he advocates for these students with zeal, passion, and dedication.
Pro Bono Attorney of the Year: Corinne Price
Law Firm of the Year: Wolf Rifkin Shapiro Schulman & Rabkin, LLP
Lied Award for Most Hours for Law Firm: Kemp Jones & Coulthard, LLP
Lied Award for Most Cases for Law Firm: Kunin Law Group
Lied Award for Most Hours for Attorney: Matthew Carter
Lied Award for Most Cases for Attorney: Ishi Kunin
Justice Nancy Becker Pro Bono Award of Judicial Excellence: Judge Joanna S. Kishner
Vince A. Consul Memorial Pro Bono Award: Brandon Smith
Louis Wiener Service Award: James Jimmerson
Myrna Williams Children’s Pro Bono Award: Bob Dickerson
Public Interest Law Student of Distinction: Jonathan Chung
Ask-A-Lawyer Community Commitment Award: Bill Hammer
Volunteer Surrogate Award: Daniel Maul
100 Hour Club Members
Michelle Alarie
Shea Backus
Jeanette “Jae” Barrick
Travis Barrick
Brian Blackham
Brian Blakley
Elizabeth Brickfield
Janice Brown
Ogonna Brown
Kaitlyn Burke
Lauren Calvert
Christopher Cannon
Matthew Carter
Trevor Creel
William Curran
Shirley Derke
Bob Dickerson
Tracy DiFillippo
Sabrina Dolson
Emily Ellis
Frances-Ann Fine
Michael Flaxman
Christian Gabroy
Andrea Gandara
John George
Peter Goatz
James Greene
Robert Hempen
Nathan Henderson
Crystal Herrera
John Howard
James Jimmerson
Justin Jones
Edward Kainen
Natalie Karacsonyi
Malani Kotchka
Ishi Kunin
Andrew Kynaston
Jeffrey Lavigne
Moonee Lee
Patricia Lee
Dan Lovell
Dawn Lozano
Martin Melendrez
Michael Muehle
Jason Naimi
Tracy O’Steen
Eric Pepperman
Dan Polsenberg
Corinne Price
Carrie Primas
Benjamin Reitz
Arturo Sanchez
Matthew Schneider
Olesya Sidorkina
Abraham Smith
Brandon Smith
Jamie Thalgott
Dawn Hathaway Thoman
Eric Walther
Shannon Wilson
Adam Woodrum
Homa Woodrum
Madison Zornes-Vela
Judge Bill Henderson, Family Court
Robyn & Aldo Manzini
Bank of America
Bank of Nevada
Boyd Gaming
Wynn Resorts
Armstrong Teasdale LLP
Southwest Gas Corporation
Kemp, Jones & Coulthard
R&R Partners Foundation
Lewis Roca Rothgerber Christie
NV Energy
Culinary Workers Union, Local 226
Nevada Legal News
Bailey Kennedy, LLP
John J. Cahill, Public Administrator
Caesars Entertainment
Garman Turner Gordon
Kunin Law Group
Dawn M. Lozano
Reid Rubinstein & Bogatz
Hutchison & Steffen
Koeller, Nebeker, Carlson & Haluck
Southern Nevada Senior Law Program
Kainen Law Group
State Bar of Nevada
The Dickerson Karacsonyi Law Group
Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck
Edward M. Bernstein & Associates
Dickinson Wright
Fine Carman Price
Hartwell Thalacker
Goldsmith & Guymon
Willick Law Group
Snell & Wilmer
Greenberg Traurig
Carrara Nevada
Lee, Hernandez, Landrum & Garofalo
Hammer Resolution Facilitators
Assemblyman Jason Frierson
Senate Democratic Caucus
William S. Boyd School of Law
Nevada Legal Services
Sklar Williams
Ballard Spahr
Holland Hart
The Rogers Foundation
Fennemore Craig
Kolesar & Leatham
Durham Jones & Pinegar
Republic Services
Ghandi Deeter Blackham
Haines & Krieger
Olson, Cannon, Gormley, Angulo & Stoberski
Black & LoBello
Ogletree Deakins
Nevada Justice Association
Wolf, Rifkin, Shapiro, Schulman & Rabkin
McDonald Carano Wilson
Marquis Aurbach Coffing
Holley Driggs Walch
Boies, Schiller & Flexner LLP
Pro Bono Attorney of the Year
Corinne Price
Fine Carman Price
Since we first began presenting pro bono awards, our most prestigious award has always been our Pro Bono Attorney of the Year Award. This year, we recognized a truly remarkable volunteer.
View Corinne’s tribute video to learn more about her contributions.
Pro Bono Law Firm of the Year
Wolf Rifkin Shapiro Schulman & Rabkin, LLP
This year’s recipient of the Law Firm of the Year Award goes to a firm who joined the 100% club this year by committing each of their attorneys to take at least ONE pro bono case. Their attorneys adopted the Children’s Attorneys Project and provided representation to several abused and neglected children. They stepped in at a time when our waiting list was overwhelmed with children in need of a voice and we are so grateful for their commitment to this program.
Lied Awards
Lied Awards are given in recognition of the Lied Foundation Trust, a foundation that has significantly contributed to our organization for more than a decade.
Most Pro Bono Hours by a Law Firm
This firm contributed 1,038 hours of pro bono time in 2016. For a 15-person firm, that means that this firm averaged 69 hours per attorney, making it stand-out as a pro bono leader this year. They assisted clients in many different areas of law including cases involving children who were abused and neglected, two appellate pro bono cases, a gaming card denial, a case involving a senior who was ripped off by a plumbing company that didn’t complete the work, an illegal repossession case, and other consumer fraud cases.
Most Pro Bono Cases by a Law Firm
This firm accepted 40 new pro bono cases this year primarily in the areas of guardianship, adoption, and family law.
Most Pro Bono Hours by an Attorney
Matthew Carter
Kemp, Jones & Coulthard, LLP
This attorney makes pro bono an integral part of his practice. In the past year, he has taken on two cases with the Children’s Attorneys Project. He also obtained a reversal on an appellate matter and agreed to help the client in the District Court case on remand. His dedication is evident by the fact that has worked over 150 hours on this one case alone. Despite the fact that his time is in constant demand from colleagues and clients alike, this attorney nonetheless made time to contribute an unbelievable 500 hours of his valuable, professional effort to pro bono service.
Most Pro Bono Cases by an Attorney
Ishi Kunin
Kunin Law Group
For the sixth consecutive year, this attorney has accepted more pro bono cases than any other lawyer in Southern Nevada. This year, she accepted 34 new pro bono cases in the areas of adoption and guardianship.
Justice Nancy Becker Pro Bono Award of Judicial Excellence
This award is given in honor of Nancy Becker, one of the founders of the Pro Bono Project and a strong advocate for access to justice. Each year it recognizes a member of the judiciary who has given his or her time, energy, and influence to encourage pro bono work and support access to justice.
Judge Joanna S. Kishner
This year, we honored a judge who has been a pro bono supporter for many years. She is a member of the Pro Bono Advisory Council and has visited law firm after law firm, urging them to handle pro bono cases. She has led numerous pro bono initiatives in the judiciary, including a new program in which pro bono attorneys’ cases were called first on the docket. It was dubbed the “Excuse me, I have a line pass because I’m a pro bono superstar” campaign. She has also helped to develop other fantastic initiatives such as the summer associate lunch, the pro bono mixer, and many others. Her valued insight and support has been an indispensable ingredient to the continued success of Legal Aid Center’s mission. Further, her commitment to pro bono as a jurist is not a new development; prior to her ascent to the bench she made time to represent children as a CAP attorney even while maintaining a busy practice as the managing partner of the Las Vegas office of one of the largest law firms in the world.
Vince Consul Memorial Pro Bono Award
This award is given in memory of Vince Consul, a long-time advocate for access to justice. Each year it recognizes an attorney who made a substantial commitment to a client with a civil matter.
Brandon Smith
Olson Cannon Gormley Angulo & Stoberski
This year’s winner received this award after taking his first pro bono case with us. The case involved a widow who was in danger of losing his home due to fraud. This attorney spent several hours in district court litigation until the right outcome was achieved and his client got his home back.
Louis Wiener Service Award
This award is given in memory of Louis Wiener for his dedication in helping victims of domestic violence. Each year it honors someone who has made substantial contributions in representing victims.
James Jimmerson
Jimmerson Law Firm
This year’s recipient has been volunteering with Legal Aid Center for over 10 years. However, within the past year, he and his firm have really stepped up. He pledged to take more pro bono cases, not only for himself, but for every attorney at this firm. He undertook representation of multiple clients, including two domestic violence victims who needed assistance with custody matters. He worked nearly 150 pro bono hours on these two cases alone over the past year. Not only did this attorney accept cases, he and his lawyers also gave free legal advice at the Celebrating Pro Bono Week Ask-A-Lawyer event to give one-on-one consultations to individuals who could not afford an attorney. This attorney is recognized as being one of the best family law attorneys in the community, and this year, we thank him for being one of the best family law attorneys for our desperate clients.
Myrna Williams Children’s Pro Bono Award
This award is given in honor of Myrna Williams, who was an instrumental force in obtaining legal representation for abused children in foster care. Each year it recognizes an attorney who made an extraordinary difference in the life of a child.
Bob Dickerson
The Dickerson Law Group
This attorney has shown a remarkable commitment to pro bono and tireless advocacy on behalf of abused and neglected children.
View Bob’s tribute video to learn more about his contributions.
Public Interest Law Student of Distinction
This award recognizes a law student who has made a substantial commitment to the community by doing public interest work and promoting access to justice.
Jonathan Chung
We are so lucky to have one of the best law schools in the nation right here in our community – the William S. Boyd School of Law. Through the leadership of its Deans and faculty, the law school has been committed to public interest, pro bono, and our organization since its inception.
This year’s recipient is a third-year student who has a long history of serving others. Prior to law school, he was a paralegal at Nevada Legal Services and continued volunteering with them during law school at the Tenants’ Rights Clinics. He volunteered with Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada as an educational surrogate for multiple students with disabilities who needed help with the Clark County School District. He is also a volunteer at the Las Vegas Rescue Mission. He is a Public Interest Fellow at the William S. Boyd School of Law, a staff member on the Gaming Law Journal; secretary of the Federal Bar Association; and a member of the Public Interest Law Association.
Ask-A-Lawyer Community Commitment Award
This award is given to a volunteer whose tremendous commitment week after week makes the Ask-A-Lawyer Program possible.
Bill Hammer
Hammer & Associates
This volunteer is truly one of a kind. He is kind and thoughtful as well as being recognized as an exemplary attorney, and has made it a priority to give back to the profession. Among his many other volunteer service pursuits, over the last year he has worked 15 shifts – 35 hours – at the Landlord Tenant Ask-A-Lawyer held at the Regional Justice Center Civil Law Self Help Center, where we operate a legal “emergency room,” which has helped nearly 50,000 people, so far this year. This volunteer provided a lifeline to some of our most desperate clients. He’s always willing to step in at the last minute when we need a volunteer, and he often stays beyond his allotted time period to help as many people as he can. He is frequently complimented for his generous listening ear and compassion.
Volunteer Surrogate Award
This award recognizes a non-attorney volunteer who has made a difference in the life of a child with special education needs.
Daniel Maul
Durham Jones & Pinegar
This year’s award winner is an exceptional volunteer. For over a decade now, he has been responsible for managing hundreds of litigation files as a full time paralegal; yet, he has made the time to advocate on the behalf of nine foster children just in the last year. Not only has he taken the most cases out of any educational surrogate parent volunteer, but he has consistently offered to take some of the most challenging foster care cases. He treats these students with the same zeal, passion and dedication that he provides to his firm’s clients.
Pro Bono Attorney of the Year: Ogonna Brown
Law Firm of the Year: Lewis Roca Rothgerber, LLP
Lied Award for Most Hours for Law Firm: Lewis Roca Rothgerber, LLP
Lied Award for Most Cases for Law Firm: Kunin & Carman
Lied Award for Most Hours for Attorney: Airene Williamson
Lied Award for Most Cases for Attorney: Ishi Kunin
William S. Boyd Award of Excellence: Christina Hixson and the Lied Foundation Trust
Justice Nancy Becker Pro Bono Award of Judicial Excellence: Judge Frank P. Sullivan
Vince A. Consul Memorial Pro Bono Award: Benjamin Reitz
Louis Wiener Service Award: Shannon Wilson
Myrna Williams Children’s Pro Bono Award: The Lawyers of Bremer Whyte Brown & O’Meara LLP
Award of Excellence: Travis Barrick
Public Interest Law Student of Distinction: Samantha Rice
Ask-A-Lawyer Community Commitment Award: Mitch Cobeaga
Volunteer Surrogate Award: Daniel Maul
100 Hour Club Members
West Allen
Paola Armeni
Shea Backus
Travis Barrick
Sarah Bassett
Eunice Beattie
Matthew Carter
Robert Cerceo
Andrea Champion
Mark Connot
William Curran
Laura Deeter
Michael DeLee
Bob Dickerson
Sabrina Dolson
Deborah Elsasser
Holly Fic
Marc Fox
Mark Gardberg
Puneet Garg
John George
Jacqueline Gilbert
Melissa Hagen
Carol Harris
Nancy Heimerle
Nathan Henderson
Marla Hudgens
Greg Ivie
Christopher Jorgensen
Samira Knight
Malani Kotchka
Malani Kotchka-Alanes
Timothy Kuhls
Ishi Kunin
Patricia Lee
Jonathan Lee
Daniel Licciardi
Michele LoBello
Dawn Lozano
Racheal Mastel
Colleen McCarty
Michael McKelleb
Monique McNeill
Michael Muehle
Tracy O’Steen
Dan Polsenberg
Corinne Price
Carrie Primas
Benjamin Reitz
Randal Shimon
Jordan Smith
Abraham Smith
Kelly Stout
Mario Valencia
Airene Williamson
Shannon Wilson
Karen Wong
Homa Woodrum
Shane Young
Meng Zhong
Robyn & Aldo Manzini
Wynn Resorts
Boyd Gaming
Bank of America
Barrick Gold Corporation
Armstrong Teasdale
Kemp, Jones & Coulthard
R&R Partners Foundation
Southwest Gas Corporation
Culinary Workers Union, Local 226
Dickinson Wright
Lewis Roca Rothgerber
Holley Driggs Walch Fine Wray Puzey & Thompson
NV Energy
Reid Rubinstein & Bogatz
The Dickerson Law Group
Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck
Nevada Justice Association
Kainen Law Group
John J. Cahill, Clark County Public Administrator
Kunin & Carman
Beverly Rogers, The Rogers Foundation
Koeller, Nebeker, Carlson & Haluck
Caesars Entertainment
Hartwell Thalacker
Hutchison & Steffen
Edward M. Bernstein & Associates
Nevada Legal News
Black & LoBello
Greenberg Traurig
Southern Nevada Senior Law Program
Garman Turner Gordon
Snell & Wilmer
Bank of Nevada
Willick Law Group
Las Vegas Defense Lawyers
Reza Athari & Associates
Holland & Hart
Republic Services
Marquis Aurbach Coffing
McDonald Carano Wilson
Lee, Hernandez, Landrum & Garofalo
Canepa Riedy Abele & Costello
Nevada Legal Services
Ballard Spahr
Clark County
State Bar of Nevada
Bailey Kennedy
UNLV William S. Boyd School of Law
Fennemore Craig
Kolesar & Leatham
Children’s Attorneys Project
Senate Democratic Leader Aaron Ford
Haines & Krieger
Fox Rothschild
City National Bank
Gentile Cristalli Miller Armeni Savarese
McFarling Law Group
Duane Morris
Boies, Schiller & Flexner
Bremer Whyte Brown & O’Meara
Gordon Rees
Cobeaga Law Firm
Pisanelli Bice
Dawn M. Lozano
Durham Jones & Pinegar
Pro Bono Attorney of the Year
Ogonna Brown
Holley Driggs Walch Fine Wray Puzey & Thompson
Since we first began presenting pro bono awards, our most prestigious award has always been our Pro Bono Attorney of the Year Award. This year, one attorney truly stood out head and shoulders above all others.
View Ogonna’s tribute video to learn more about her contributions.
Pro Bono Law Firm of the Year
This firm has a longstanding tradition of making pro bono a top firm priority. Under the leadership of Dan Waite, the managing partner for the Las Vegas office, the lawyers at this firm, have once again gone above and beyond. In this past year, the firm accepted 36 new pro bono cases (in addition to the many cases they already had opened in prior years), and together performed an astounding 1,229 hours of pro bono services. Nearly all of their lawyers – partners and associates alike — contributed time to serving Legal Aid Center’s clients, including numerous child victims of abuse and neglect, homeowners and homebuyers victimized by real estate scams and other less fortunate individuals who had no place else to turn.
Also, in this past year, the firm’s appellate team, led by Dan Polsenberg, not only accepted a number appeals on behalf of Legal Aid Center’s clients, particularly in the areas child welfare and domestic violence, but also served as an invaluable resource, mentoring and training so many of our legal aid attorneys and pro bono attorneys– many of whom are drafting and arguing their first appellate case before the Nevada Supreme Court.
We salute this firm for exemplifying a strong culture of pro bono and for ensuring access to justice on behalf of so many of our clients.
Lied Awards
Lied Awards are given in recognition of the Lied Foundation Trust, a foundation which has significantly contributed to our organization for more than a decade.
Most Pro Bono Hours by a Law Firm
This firm contributed 1,229 hours representing low-income clients in a range of practice areas, including abuse and neglect matters, consumer fraud, and appellate litigation.
Most Pro Bono Cases by a Law Firm
This firm accepted 40 new pro bono cases this year primarily in the areas of guardianship, adoption, and family law.
Most Pro Bono Hours by an Attorney
Airene Williamson
Williamson Law Office
This attorney makes pro bono an integral part of her practice. In the past year, this attorney contributed 392 hours on several cases, including a complex securities fraud suit, successfully settled after two years in litigation, and an unpaid wages case on behalf of several undocumented workers.
Most Pro Bono Cases by an Attorney
Ishi Kunin
Kunin & Carman
For the fifth consecutive year, this attorney has accepted more pro bono cases than any other lawyer in Southern Nevada. This year, she accepted 38 new pro bono cases in the areas of adoption and guardianship.
William S. Boyd Award of Excellence
This award is given in honor of William Boyd, to commemorate his extraordinary service to our organization. Each year it honors a business or community leader who has been an outstanding supporter of legal aid and pro bono services.
Christina Hixson and the Lied Foundation Trust
It seemed very clear to us who should receive this award for the first time since presenting it to Bill Boyd. Our award winner has been a friend to Legal Aid for many years. We would not have our Center without her – in 2000, she issued a challenge grant – she would give us money if we matched it with volunteer hours – and to meet the challenge, the number of our volunteers skyrocketed. When we outgrew our building, again, she issued another challenge – this one again was met, and gave us a center to hold classes, train pro bono attorneys, and house our staff. For being a catalyst and for increasing access to justice, we gratefully honor her with the William S. Boyd Award of Excellence.
Justice Nancy Becker Pro Bono Award of Judicial Excellence
This award is given in honor of Nancy Becker, one of the founders of the Pro Bono Project and a strong advocate for access to justice. Each year it recognizes a member of the judiciary who has given his or her time, energy, and influence to encourage pro bono work and support access to justice.
Judge Frank P. Sullivan
This year, we honor a juvenile court judge who has been serving the needs of children and families for over twelve years. He is a member of the Supreme Court Access to Justice Commission and the Clark County Blue Ribbon Panel created to make improvements to the county’s child welfare system. He is extraordinarily committed to ensuring representation and permanency in a timely manner for every child in Nevada’s foster care system.
Over the years, he has trained hundreds of pro bono attorneys to represent child victims of abuse and neglect. This year, he not only did that, but he organized and trained pro bono attorneys on how domestic violence affects their clients and cases, recruiting new volunteers to perform this important work. He is incredibly well-respected and admired for his work by everyone he comes in contact with. He always makes pro bono attorneys feel appreciated in his courtroom and never stops thanking them for their service. He is an inspiration to all of us.
Vince Consul Memorial Pro Bono Award
This award is given in memory of Vince Consul, a long-time advocate for access to justice. Each year it recognizes an attorney who made a substantial commitment to a client with a civil matter.
Benjamin Reitz
Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck
This attorney has shown long-term dedication and determination to obtain justice for many pro bono clients in their civil law matters this year.
View Ben’s tribute video to learn more about his contributions.
Louis Wiener Service Award
This award is given in memory of Louis Wiener for his dedication in helping victims of domestic violence. Each year it honors someone who has made substantial contributions in representing victims.
Shannon Wilson
Hutchison & Steffen
Over the past year, this attorney has advocated on behalf of many victims and is a valued member of our Pro Bono Advisory Council.
View Shannon’s tribute video to learn more about her contributions.
Myrna Williams Children’s Pro Bono Award
This award is given in honor of Myrna Williams, who was an instrumental force in obtaining legal representation for abused children in foster care. Each year it recognizes an attorney who made an extraordinary difference in the life of a child.
The Lawyers of Bremer Whyte Brown & O’Meara
Beginning in May of this year, this law firm performed the extraordinary. After hearing of the immense need for legal assistance for abused children, this firm committed that each one of its 22 attorneys would accept a case on behalf of a child victim of abuse or neglect. It trained all of its attorneys and accepted 22 new cases. One of their partners, Peter Brown, was so moved by his client and his involvement in the case – you could hear the passion in his voice when he described the experience.
And if this wasn’t enough, the partners later rallied their colleagues in the defense bar to get involved in this work. And, before we knew it, we received a call from Loren Young, President of the Las Vegas Defense Bar, who was eager to set up a CLE training for their members which we gladly arranged soon after.
The lawyers at this firm continue to accept additional cases and plans to increase their existing requirement to two pro bono abuse and neglect cases per attorney, at all times. What a difference one firm can make!
Award of Excellence
Travis Barrick
Gallian, Welker & Beckstrom
This award honors an individual for overall excellence and leadership in pro bono service. When we launched our Veterans Ask-A-Lawyer program in April 2014, we called upon this attorney to help due to his extensive experience in handling veteran’s benefit claims. He was eager to participate and continues to be an asset to the program’s success, always lending a helping hand to new volunteers and never hesitating to assist a veteran regardless of the legal question presented.
This volunteer is also actively involved in the U.S. District Court’s new Federal Pro Bono Pilot Program established by Chief Judge Gloria Navarro approximately a year ago. He has accepted six of these cases, devoting over 200 hours, and with the assistance of several Boyd law students, won a 6-day jury trial for one of the clients.
Public Interest Law Student of Distinction
This award recognizes a law student who has made a substantial commitment to the community by doing public interest work and promoting access to justice.
Samantha Rice
We are so lucky to have one of the best law schools in the nation right here in our community – the William S. Boyd School of Law. Through the leadership of its Deans and faculty, the law school has been committed to public interest, pro bono, and our organization since its inception.
This year’s recipient is passionate about public interest law, and child advocacy is her forte. She serves as President of her Law School’s Child Advocacy Law Association and is Coordinator for the Kids Court School with the Thomas and Mack Legal Clinic. She also participated in the Partners in Pro Bono program in which she was able to work on an appellate and divorce case. Outside of the Law School, she also volunteers with Legal Aid Center’s Educational Surrogate Parent program where she advocates on behalf of children special education needs.
Ask-A-Lawyer Community Commitment Award
This award is given to a volunteer whose tremendous commitment week after week makes the Ask-A-Lawyer Program possible.
Mitch Cobeaga
The Cobeaga Law Firm
A few years ago, Justice Douglas asked what we could do to expand legal aid and pro bono assistance to our veterans. Shortly thereafter, we asked the veteran community what was needed, and they recommended a veteran’s Ask-A-Lawyer program – and asked us to start that week. So we did. And, in this past year alone, 333 veterans were provided free legal counsel and advice.
This year’s award winner attended our first veteran’s roundtable and played a pivotal role in starting the program. Since its inception in April 2014, this volunteer has participated in nearly every session and continues to do so today. In addition to volunteering his own time and expertise by providing counsel and advice to veterans each month, he has also recruited numerous other attorneys to also volunteer. Together with the Office of Military Legal Assistance, founded by Attorney General Laxalt, and Project Salute, operated by Nevada Legal Services, we aim to honor those who sacrifice to serve our country.
You may know this volunteer as a former Air Force fighter pilot, a 40-year practicing attorney, or a legend in the Las Vegas legal community. We recognize him this year for his amazing work with veterans through the Ask-A-Lawyer program.
Volunteer Surrogate Award
This award recognizes a non-attorney volunteer who has made a difference in the life of a child with special education needs.
Daniel Maul
Durham Jones & Pinegar
This year’s award winner is an exceptional volunteer. He volunteered to help a child in foster care who was adopted and then abused by his adoptive parents. When the child came back into care at the age of 14, he was traumatized and was acting out in school. When the school was frustrated with the child and seemed close to giving up on him, our volunteer went to work. He spent countless hours working with this student’s team at school and ensured that the school recognized the barriers that were hindering him from achieving his educational goals. He insisted that the school develop specifically-tailored accommodations to address this student’s unique situation. As a result of his work, this child is about to graduate, and our volunteer was recently invited to the party to celebrate.
Pro Bono Attorney of the Year: Doreen Spears Hartwell
Lied Award for Most Hours for Law Firm: Lewis Roca Rothgerber, LLP
Lied Award for Most Cases for Law Firm: Gordon Silver
Lied Award for Most Hours for Attorney: Mark J. Connot
Lied Award for Most Cases for Attorney: Ishi Kunin
Lied Awards are given in recognition to the Lied Foundation which gave Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada a Challenge Grant in 2000 to pay off its building mortgage. The grant was based on how many pro bono hours lawyers donated on a yearly basis.
Law Firm of the Year: Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, LLP
William S. Boyd Award of Excellence: Bill Boyd
Justice Nancy Becker Pro Bono Award of Judicial Excellence: Justice Kristina S. Pickering and Judge Rob Bare
This award is given in honor of Nancy Becker, one of the founders of the Pro Bono Project and a strong advocate for access to justice, to recognize a member of the judiciary who has given his or her time, energy, and influence to encourage pro bono work and support access to justice.
Vince A. Consul Memorial Pro Bono Award: Tracy A. Difillippo
This award is given in memory of Vince Consul, a long-time advocate for access to justice. Each year it will recognize an attorney who devoted time to a client with a civil law matter.
Louis Wiener Service Award: Josef M. Karacsonyi
This award is given in memory of Louis Wiener for his dedication in helping victims of domestic violence and honors someone who has made substantial contributions in representing victims.
Myrna Williams Children’s Pro Bono Award: William P. Curran
This award is given in honor of Myrna Williams, who was instrumental in having children who have been abused and neglected represented in court by lawyers, and recognizes an attorney who has done an extraordinary job in giving a voice to our community’s most vulnerable victims.
Award of Excellence: Bita Khamsi and John J. Piro
Public Interest Law Student of Distinction: Bailey Bortolin
This award recognizes a law student who has made a substantial commitment to the community by doing public interest law and promoting access to justice.
Ask-A-Lawyer Community Commitment Award: Stefana Laurentia Ghita
This award is given to a volunteer whose tremendous commitment week after week makes the Ask-A-Lawyer Program possible.
Volunteer Surrogate Award: Richard Erlich
This award recognizes a non-attorney volunteer who has made a difference in the life of a child with special education needs.
100 Hour Club Members
500+ Hours
Mark J. Connot
400+ Hours
Marc A. Fox
300+ Hours
Sarah M. Chavez
William P. Curran
Corinne M. Price
200+ Hours
Eunice M. Beattie
Brian E. Blackham
Deborah L. Elsasser
Mark J. Gardberg
Josef M. Karacsonyi
Julie F. Kruze
Ishi Kunin
Dawn M. Lozano
Aurora M. Maskall
Christopher Reade
Benjamin K. Reitz
Shane J. Young
100+ Hours
Courtney E. Anderson
Paola M. Armeni
Shea A. Backus
Sarah T. Bassett
William H. Brown
Jon J. Carlston
Matthew S. Carter
Trevor M. Creel
Laura A. Deeter
Lindsay C. Demaree
Kerry S. Doyle
Jordanna L. Evans
Mario P. Fenu
Frances-Ann Fine
Seth T. Floyd
Puneet K. Garg
Laura Ghita
Joshua P. Gilmore
Blakeley E. Griffith
Marjorie A. Guymon
Ashley G. Hanks
Carol L. Harris
John R. Hawley
Nancy J. Heimerle Warthan
Erin M. Houston
Christopher M. Humes
Greg Ivie
Todd E. Kennedy
Bita Khamsi
Andrew L. Kynaston
Patricia Lee
Colleen E. McCarty
Rena M. McDonald
Michael W. McKelleb
Andrew D. Moore
Matthew W. Park
John J. Piro
Carrie J. Primas
Katherine L. Provost
Manita Rawat
Michael S. Rawlings
Molly S. Rosenblum
Jenny L. Routheaux
Rosa Solis-Rainey
Michael D. Stein
Kelly B. Stout
Alison Y. Tashima
Sean D. Thueson
Charles M. Vlasic
Dan R. Waite
Shannon R. Wilson
View our 2014 Sponsors!
Click here to view the 2014 Program.
Pro Bono Attorney of the Year: Andrew L. Kynaston
Lied Awards are given in recognition to the Lied Foundation which gave Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada a Challenge Grant in 2000 to pay off its building mortgage. The grant was based on how many pro bono hours lawyers donated on a yearly basis.
Lied Award for Most Hours for Law Firm: Hutchison & Steffen (1042) and Lee, Hernandez, Landrum, Garofalo & Blake (1049)
Lied Award for Most Cases for Law Firm: Kunin & Carman (34)
Lied Award for Most Hours for Attorney: Cindie D. Hernandez (499)
Lied Award for Most Cases for Attorney: Israel “Ishi” Kunin (24)
Law Firm of the Year: Gordon Silver
Justice Nancy Becker Pro Bono Award of Judicial Excellence: Justice James W. Hardesty and Justice Michael L. Douglas
This award is given in honor of Nancy Becker, one of the founders of the Pro Bono Project and a strong advocate for access to justice, to recognize a member of the judiciary who has given his or her time, energy, and influence to encourage pro bono work and support access to justice.
Vince A. Consul Memorial Pro Bono Award: Dan R. Waite
This award is given in memory of Vince Consul, a long time advocate for access to justice. Each year it will recognize an attorney who devoted time to a client with a civil law matter.
Louis Wiener Service Award: Laura A. Deeter
This award is given in memory of Louis Wiener for his dedication in helping victims of domestic violence and honors someone who has made substantial contributions in representing victims.
Myrna Williams Children’s Pro Bono Award: Paola M. Armeni
This award is given in honor of Myrna Williams, who was instrumental in having children who have been abused and neglected represented in court by lawyers, and recognizes an attorney who has done an extraordinary job in giving a voice to our community’s most vulnerable victims.
Public Interest Law Student of Distinction: Shannon Phenix
This award recognizes a law student who has made a substantial commitment to the community by doing public interest law and promoting access to justice.
Ask-A-Lawyer Community Commitment Award: Amber Robinson
This award is given to a volunteer whose tremendous commitment week after week makes the Ask-A-Lawyer Program possible.
Volunteer Surrogate Award: Marti Ford
This award recognizes a non-attorney volunteer who has made a difference in the life of a child with special education needs.
100 Hours Club Inductees
Cindie D. Hernandez – 400 + hours
Andrew L. Kynaston – 300+ hours
Phillip C. Thompson – 300+ hours
Robert P. Dickerson – 200+ hours
Julie F. Kruze – 200+ hours
Carol L. Harris – 200+ hours
Christopher M. Cannon – 200+ hours
Kimberly M. Abbott
Paola M. Armeni
Elizabeth S. Ashley
Jason M. Bacigalupi
Shea A. Backus
Ava M. Bessel
Brian E. Blackham
Carlos Blumberg
Koren N. Boyd
Elizabeth Brickfield
Robert J. Caldwell
Benjamin J. Comin
Trevor M. Creel
William P. Curran
Laura A. Deeter
Jennifer C. Dorsey
Erin E. Elliott
Randall G. Forman
Marc A. Fox
Shawn M. Goldstein
Adam D. Graff
Kari J. Hanratty
Rena G. Hughes
Daniel P. Kiefer
Krissta Ann Kirschenheiter
Israel “Ishi” Kunin
Patricia Lee
Dawn M. Lozano
Aurora M. Maskall
Racheal H. Mastel
Michael W. McKelleb
Kari T. Molnar
Andrew D. Moore
Terry A. Moore
Tara D. Newberry
Brian J. Ramsey
Rosa Solis-Rainey
Jessica S. Taylor
Dan R. Waite
Hillary G. Walsh
Marshal S. Willick
Shannon R. Wilson
Homa S. Woodrum
Shane J. Young
Thank you to Sound Masters for their Las Vegas Video Production services!
Pro Bono Attorney of the Year: Patricia Lee
Lied Awards are given in recognition to the Lied Foundation which gave Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada a Challenge Grant in 2000 to pay off its building mortgage. The grant was based on how many pro bono hours lawyers donated on a yearly basis.
Lied Award for Most Hours for Law Firm: Snell & Wilmer (1167)
Lied Award for Most Cases for Law Firm: Hutchison & Steffen (47)
Lied Award for Most Hours for Attorney: Cynthia L. Alexander (295)
Lied Award for Most Cases for Attorney: Israel “Ishi” Kunin (27)
Small Law Firm of the Year: The Dickerson Law Group
Access to Justice Award: Gordon Silver
Pro Bono Award of Excellence: Marquis Aurbach Coffing
Justice Nancy Becker Pro Bono Award of Judicial Excellence: The Honorable Betsy Gonzalez
This award is given in honor of Nancy Becker, one of the founders of the Pro Bono Project and a strong advocate for access to justice, to recognize a member of the judiciary who has given his or her time, energy, and influence to encourage pro bono work and support access to justice.
Vince A. Consul Memorial Pro Bono Award: Patricia A. Trent
This award is given in memory of Vince Consul, a long time advocate for access to justice. Each year it will recognize an attorney who devoted time to a client with a civil law matter.
Louis Wiener Service Award: Corinne M. Price
This award is given in memory of Louis Wiener for his dedication in helping victims of domestic violence and honors someone who has made substantial contributions in representing victims.
Myrna Williams Children’s Pro Bono Award: John L. Krieger
This award is given in honor of Myrna Williams, who was instrumental in having children who have been abused and neglected represented in court by lawyers, and recognizes an attorney who has done an extraordinary job in giving a voice to our community’s most vulnerable victims.
Public Interest Law Student of Distinction: Alexandra Varela
This award recognizes a law student who has made a substantial commitment to the community by doing public interest law and promoting access to justice.
Ask-A-Lawyer Community Commitment Award: Jenica D. Yurcic Westerman
This award is given to a volunteer whose tremendous commitment week after week makes the Ask-A-Lawyer Program possible.
Volunteer Surrogate Award: Bill Kissam
This award recognizes a non-attorney volunteer who has made a difference in the life of a child with special education needs.
100 Hours Club Inductees:
Cynthia L. Alexander
Justin R. Cochran
A. Maria Maskall
Elizabeth S. Ashley
April L. Becker
Robert J. Caldwell
Laura A. Deeter
Robert P. Dickerson
Puneet K. Garg
Tanya S. Gaylord
Michelle A. Hauser
James J. Jimmerson
John L. Krieger
Israel “Ishi” Kunin
Patricia Lee
Kathleen M. Maynard
Andrew D. Moore
Jennifer E. Mullen
Leslie M. Nino
Corinne M. Price
R. Christopher Reade
Jenny L. Routheaux
Quinton R. Singleton
Jacqueline M. Stoops
Cassie R. Stratford
Jessica S. Taylor
Phillip C. Thompson
Marshal S. Willick
Shannon R. Wilson
Shane J. Young