Case Number: 2024-006453 – Pending Placement

This client needs assistance with her custody case. She and the adverse party separated in 2019 due to infidelity. They have one 6-year-old child and the client is seeking sole legal and sole physical custody.

Case Number: 2024-013717

Client is seeking assistance with a divorce. Parties have been married for 21 years and are still currently living together. There is one minor child involved (16yrs old). There is a history of domestic violence but no TPO in place. Opposing party has a criminal history. Client is seeking 50/50 custody. There is community property and some community debt. Client has a retirement account.


Case Number: 2024-013142

Client is seeking assistance with a divorce. Parties do not have children together. Opposing party has filed for a divorce, but the client has not been served. Parties were married for a year. Opposing party is military. There is currently a No Contact Order in place by opposing parties Commander due to domestic violence against client. There is some community property and debt.

Case Number: 2024-014067

Client is seeking assistance with custody modification. Trial is set for April of 2025. Parties share an 8 year old child together. Client states that the reason for the custody issue is that she and opposing parties do not practice the same religion. Client stated that she is okay with both sharing their religions with their daughter but she does not agree with only opposing party being able to share his religion.