Case Number: 2022-018399 (Urgent)

In Abuse/Neglect Cases - Children's Attorneys Project

Twin boys, ages 15- year came into DFS custody along with their girl sibling, who has a separate case, due to physical abuse, parental drug use and parental mental health. It was reported by the family that the mother has a history of prescription drug abuse and is currently abusing alcohol. During the last incident, mother became extremely intoxicated getting into an argument with her sister. After the argument, she wanted to leave the home with her youngest daughter. Her twin sons tried reasoning with her, and mother became violent, pushing them out of the way, punching a hole in the drywall and breaking bottles, all while the children were present. Police arrived and she was arrested. The mother experiences symptoms of untreated/undiagnosed mental health conditions, which are inadequately treated and impair her ability to care for the children. The father is reported deceased. The Next Hearing(s): Review Hearing on 6/18/2024 at 2:15 pm in Courtroom 11.

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