Pro Bono Project Volunteer Of The Month July 2013
Dan Waite of Lewis and Roca
Dan has been a volunteer with the Pro Bono Project for over five years. During that time, he has helped numerous clients with a variety of civil law issues ranging from landlord/tenant disputes to consumer fraud matters. Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada recently received a thank you note from one of Dan’s clients. In her note, the client thanked us for sending Dan to her. Dan helped her recover home inspection fees and damages from a home inspector who missed a terrible pigeon infestation in her attic. According to the client, Dan was not only a “very nice man” but an “excellent attorney” who did a “thorough and professional job” with her case. She summed up her feelings in one sentence, “He was WONDERFUL.”
In 2009, Dan was recognized by Legal Aid Center as the Pro Bono Attorney of the Year and since then he has continued to help just as many pro bono clients each year. His zealous dedication to the cause is reflected not only in the clients he represents but also in the number of new attorneys he recruits. According to one of his colleagues, Dan is “…the true driving force behind our civil pro bono efforts. He truly walks the walk.” It is this combination of outstanding client representation and impressive dedication to pro bono work that makes Dan our July Volunteer of the Month.
Congratulations Dan!