Case Number: 2024-012168

In Abuse/Neglect Cases - Children's Attorneys Project

Recently, a 8-year old boy was removed from parental custody and placed into the care of Clark County Family Services (CCFS) due to several reports of neglect, abandonment, and threat of harm. The apparent lack of financial resources alerted CCFS to the situation– the child and his mother were found temporarily residing at the city airport’s public lounges. The mother has an extensive history of drug use, often presenting in front of departmental agencies under the influence of illicit substances. Additionally, she has multiple instances of CCFS intervention, resulting in the removal of children under her care; and, in one instance, the termination of her parental rights. This child’s father has remained no-contact and fails to provide any support, financial or otherwise. This child requires an attorney to represent his legal rights, the next hearing is on December 19th, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. in Courtroom 12

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