Case Number: 2024-010566

In Abuse/Neglect Cases - Children's Attorneys Project

A sibling group containing five children– ages 14, 12, 6, 2 and 1 month– came into custody of the Department of Family Services (DFS) due to reports of physical risk. DFS was alerted to the situation when the 1-month old was born substance-dependent upon the mother’s delivery. The mother is reported to have untreated mental health concerns and a history of unsuccessful drug rehabilitation attempts at various facilities. The natural father of the 2-year-old and 1-month-old struggles similarly with substance abuse, resulting in impulsive behavior and poor emotional regulation. The remaining children in the sibling group have differing paternal backgrounds with little to no contact with their natural fathers due to various circumstances. These children require an attorney to represent their legal wishes and rights as to permanency, placement, visitation, and to ensure appropriate services are in place. The next hearing is an Adjudicatory Hearing Plea on October 8th, 2024 in Courtroom 12.

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